B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Oct 22 06:33:10 EDT 1997

From: Kelly Joyce <keljoie at>
Date: 21 Oct 1997 01:37:10 -0400
Lines: 16

Watching ENDGAME brought to mind some questions I've had regarding how
the final product - the show we see = differs from your final script.
ENDGAME was so special effect intensive (excellent job by all) and an
excellent example of my questions.
1. When you write, do you put in the "change of scene" to the special
effects scenes - the scenes which will be added after the cast filming -
or do you format the final product after the effects are done - in
2. How much of the final product is like what you have imagined?? More?
Less? Do you ever change the layout of an episode BECAUSE of the
finished visuals?

ENDGAME  was B5 at it's best - great shots of Earth as She was saved.
Wonderful battle.  Very good script.  Many thanks.

Kelly Joyce

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 21 Oct 1997 10:21:05 -0400
Lines: 22

>1. When you write, do you put in the "change of scene" to the special
>effects scenes - the scenes which will be added after the cast filming -
>or do you format the final product after the effects are done - in

I don't quite understand the question...all of the show, every single shot, CGI
 or live-action, is spelled out in the script, which is given to the various
 departments to make it happen.

The best way I can demonstrate this is if you want to go to your local library
 and find a copy of my writing book, and check the script for The Coming of
 Shadows against the episode.

>2. How much of the final product is like what you have imagined?? More?
>Less? Do you ever change the layout of an episode BECAUSE of the
>finished visuals?

It's generally 80-110% of what I saw in my head.  Sometimes I'll shift around
 the scenes to better the flow of an episode once we see how they look on film.

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