Lochley, Seven of Nine, etc.

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Sep 8 06:35:01 EDT 1997

From: Paul Hahn <Paul-Hahn at library.wustl.edu>
Date: 6 Sep 1997 23:30:31 -0400
Lines: 12

[In part this is a test to see if Jay's newsfeed and mine are
communicating yet, or if you still can't get there from here.]

ObB5: I note that Tracey Scoggins calls her new uniform "pleasantly
tight".  I hope to jms it isn't as tight as Seven of Nine's, which from
the picture in the new TV Guide looks like it was spray-painted on (my
wife's description).

--pH <manynote at library.wustl.edu> http://library.wustl.edu/~manynote <*>
   /\        "Play it over?  When I need one and you need seven?"
  -\-\-- o

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 7 Sep 1997 22:33:42 -0400
Lines: 8

>ObB5: I note that Tracey Scoggins calls her new uniform "pleasantly
>tight".  I hope to jms it isn't as tight as Seven of Nine's, which from
>the picture in the new TV Guide looks like it was spray-painted on 

It's a standard EA uniform, tailored, just like everybody else wears.

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