ATTN JMS: Writing and Music

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Sep 17 06:12:54 EDT 1997

From: csumner at (Charles Sumner)
Date: 16 Sep 1997 13:04:16 -0400
Lines: 20

Hi Joe,

Congrats as always on the great work.  I was really pleased when I heard
about Tracey Scoggins, I always through that she was pretty talented and
very underused in a never developed character on Lois & Clark.

Anyway, my question is abot the music you listen to when you write. 
You've posted before that you enjoy almost all kinds of music but wha I'm
wondering is how much of the outside world you pay attention to when
you're writing.  When I sit down to write, I tend to pick out a CD and set
it to loop only noticing hours later that I'd heard it 7 or 8 times in a
row (which drive my wife nuts).  Are you also a victim of the writing


Charles Sumner              "When they make me into an Orangu-man,
Emerald City Productions    I hope they don't put me in a tutu.
csumner at     I'd hate that." - The Lobe, Freakazoid

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Sep 1997 15:22:56 -0400
Lines: 28

>When I sit down to write, I tend to pick out a CD and set
>it to loop only noticing hours later that I'd heard it 7 or 8 times in a
>row (which drive my wife nuts).  Are you also a victim of the writing

What an interesting question....

There's this thing called "state related learning," which means that if
you learn something while, say, in a given room, or under certain specific
conditions, you will be able to remember it better in that same condition
or state.  

When I'm writing, often I'll find or stumble upon a CD that puts me in the
right state of mind to work on it...and when I go in the next day, or a few
hours later, that one will be the one I fire up, to get me going.  So it
may play a lot over the course of a number of days.  It ain't *all* I
listen to, though I do sometimes listen to it sequentially, I can't listen
to just one thing endlessly, but it does get played a lot.

That's the first time I've been asked that question.  It's rare when I
find a new one.  Thanks.


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