jms a bit out of action

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Sep 28 06:12:33 EDT 1997

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Sep 1997 14:17:34 -0400
Lines: 17

Last Sunday, while at a convention in Tulsa, I threw my back out very
badly about 90 minutes before I was to do my second presentation (slipped
in the shower and badly wrenched my back).  Though I could barely move (a
very nice lady tied my shoes for me because I couldn't reach that far
without blacking out from the pain), I did the presentation anyway because
I knew that a number of fans had driven as long as 5 hours to be there and
I was determined not to let them down...and apparently that was a mistake,
because though it seemed to be getting better Monday and Tuesday, by
Wednesday it's almost incapacitated me.  Have been offline for 24 hours,
seeing doctors and getting drugs (have all the advice and pharmaceuticals I
need just now, thanks), and the few hours I have where I can be behind a
keyboard have to be put in on scripts.  So I'll be a bit diminished here
until I'm on my feet again.  Could be just a few days, maybe longer.  

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