ATTN: JMS. Comments on Phoenix Rising<spoilers>

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Apr 2 06:22:42 EST 1998

From: alan at
Date: 1 Apr 1998 22:09:57 -0700
Lines: 59

Ok, This post contains spoilers for Phoenix Rising.
















There that should be enough.

	Wow.  What else can I say?  Out of everyone I talked to on the
internet, I seemed to be the only one that cared for Byron, since I
figured he didnt have anything to do with the events we saw in
Deconstruction.  I'm amazed at what you did though.  His death, you
were right about a Phoenix rising out of his actions.  
	No episode has ever hit me this hard.  None. Not Severed
Dreams, not Z'ha'Dum, and not even my favorite...Interludes &
Examinations.  But, I feel like someone just kicked me real hard in
the stomach.  I'm still gasping for air.  
	I remember what you said before, Bester being a bad guy.  I
guess that is just as subjective as the Shadows.  Until today I
thought of him in those terms.  Now I feel like I understand him.  If
he just went in there guns blazing at all the telepaths, not caring if
they lived or died...I would have thought differently.  But, he does
care.  maybe not for normals but his own kind.  
	What happened with Garibaldi, the whole thing, just amazed me.
The Asimov.  Who rescued him, especially since I thought it would be
Bester, and now hes back in the bottle.  How do you do it?  The early
part of this season it was..just there.  And now. WHAM. No warning.
The quality of this show has not gone down.  It is better than ever.
	Thank you for creating this beauty, and if any more new
episodes have this kind of feel to them, I feel like i'm going to have
to send you a medical bill, for I will surely end up in the hospital.

-- Alan DeHaan who feels like he was just hit with a Narn Bat Squad.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 1 Apr 1998 23:44:57 -0700
Lines: 21

>Thank you for creating this beauty, and if any more new
>episodes have this kind of feel to them, I feel like i'm going to have
>to send you a medical bill, for I will surely end up in the hospital.

Then you'd better up your insurance, real soon.

I'll just say this: we were lucky to get one "Coming of Shadows" episode a
year, a while back.  In the latter half of this season, especially from about
516-520 or thereabouts, we have one just about eveyr week.

I gave folks a respite for the first part, because in the second part of this
season, I'm going to hurt you.  There will be some light at the end, because I
wouldn't end this otherwise, but in the interim, it's gonna be pretty damned


(jmsatb5 at
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