ATTN JMS: TCIMTCIF Spoilers: Dating Error

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Apr 30 06:16:23 EDT 1998

From: tsbrueni at (Timothy Bruening)
Date: 29 Apr 1998 07:02:37 -0600
Lines: 40

Spoilers for The Corps is Mother, the Corps is Father Below:

In this episode, a telepath named Harris develops Multiple Personality
Disorder, kills his room mate, and flees to Babylon 5.  He leaves behind
several documents.  One of them was dated with the year 2264.  The current
year is only 2262.  Why the calender error?

Timothy S. Bruening (tsbrueni at
Davis Community Network

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Apr 1998 17:27:40 -0600
Lines: 37

>In this episode, a telepath named Harris develops Multiple Personality
>Disorder, kills his room mate, and flees to Babylon 5.  He leaves behind
>several documents.  One of them was dated with the year 2264.  The current
>year is only 2262.  Why the calender error?

One of his personalities was a Time Lord.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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