
B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Aug 14 17:38:11 EDT 1998

This is a message from the maintainer of B5JMS.

(1) There have been very few posts made by JMS to rastb5.m lately.  One
reason is JMS scaling back his presence as he indicated months ago.  Another
reason I hear is that the auto-moderation of rastb5.m was reportedly broken
for some time, and may still be.  Either way, the B5JMS list is working
fine.  As soon as there are posts made by jms onto rastb5.m, B5JMS
subscribers will see them within one day.

(2) I will be going on vacation from August 17th until September 5th.  I
will have no Internet access during that time.  The B5JMS list will continue
to function normally.  Users may subscribe and unsubscribe at will.  All the
information and instructions are available from the B5JMS home page:

Manual requests sent to b5jms-owner or myself would not be processed until I
return, so it is best if you remember to check the B5JMS home page in case
you are having list-related problems.

B5JMS Poster.
Maintainer, B5JMS and B5JMS-DIGEST lists.
Email: b5jms-owner at
-*** B5JMS SUBSCRIBERS: Replies to messages go to the list maintainer,
-*** <b5jms-owner at>.  If you want to reply elsewhere, adjust
-*** the "To" field.  See for all
-*** other information about this list.

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