SiL Final Credits

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Dec 1 06:21:08 EST 1998

From: Confusion Incarnate <atlemar at>
Date: 29 Nov 1998 14:08:01 -0700
Lines: 40

Spoiler space for SiL...

The very last credits on Sleeping in Light were pretty much the same as
the Season Four opening credits, which is not surprising since it was
filmed during S4.  But since it aired as part of S5, it should have been
modified a bit to fit that.  Since Marcus hadn't appeared in the last
several episodes, the credits began kind of a series credits, and should
therefore have included Lochley, Sinclair and Talia, just out of respect
for their places in the story.

On going through the freeze-frame credit sequence, did anybody notice that
there were two "producer" frames? Probably the second one was to reflect
the TNT producers. So why not change the credits just a little?

james v. geluso:atlemar at you don't see the fnord it can't eat you

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 30 Nov 1998 16:39:57 -0700
Lines: 12

We are bound to maintain the S4 credits by contract.  We could not modify them.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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