ATTN: JMS Foreshadowing and "Infection"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Jan 10 06:27:42 EST 1998

From: Fred Owens <chief_1 at>
Date: 8 Jan 1998 22:57:58 -0700
Lines: 21

I am amazed and delighted at the way things have worked out. Having seen
what we have seen so far - I started watching in season 3 or late 2- It
makes watching the early shows so much more essential. Now I see the hand
of the great maker doing great things with the minds of those who wish to
pay attention.  Tonight was an excellent example.  Garibaldi says something
like "A lot of guys find something worth dying for when what they need is 
something worth living for" Stupendous. I wonder where we had that again
later!! Magnificent use of foreshadowing in all of the early shows so far -
This is wonderful.  Am I gushing? Hell who cares. I knew you  was a master
of this but seeing it again so close together and with the last season fesh
in my mind makes it crystal clear. Thank you!

The Chief
"Never eat anything at one sitting that you can't lift." - Miss Piggy

[ NOTE - I've always liked the first season the best.  I've watched it
	 10* more than the other seasons.  Not just for Sinclair, but
	 for the foreshadowing.  It's amazing how the meanings
	 change.  After each season, stuff that goes on in the first
	 season takes on a different meaning.  Holographic
	 storytelling indeed - JAD ]

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Jan 1998 09:35:20 -0700
Lines: 11

That's the thing...I wrote this show for the long-term, and if you watch it in
the way it'll be shown in the long-term, daily, it becomes a whole different

It was a bitch to pull off, too, lemme tell you....


(jmsatb5 at
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