HEY JMS! Answer a couple of questions(****sanity**** warning)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jan 10 06:32:43 EST 1998

From: Plain and Simple Cronan <cronan at deathsdoor.com>
Date: 9 Jan 1998 08:02:32 -0700
Lines: 29

1. Have you finished writing the last three scripts for the 5th season?

2. Does Claudia Christensen have a guest shot anywhere in Season 5? 

3. What exactly is Thirdspace supposed to be about? No spoilers please

4. Do you find me attractive? 
4b. Do you need a poorly paid lackey to beat people up and clean your
4c. Can I be your friend? 

5. Well there be a security guard named Kenny who will die before the
end of every episode in season 5? 
5b. If so can I play Kenny?

6. Is your talent on loan from god like Rush Limbaugh's?
6b. Can I have some of the enormous sums of cash you must have? 

7. Shoes. What's the deal?

Now that I am done with my serious questions I have a few that I am
legally obligatted to ask under the terms of the 1988 Arms Reduction

Frog's Ass: watertight or simply waterproof?
Wrestling: fake or pretend?


From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 9 Jan 1998 16:25:37 -0700
Lines: 51

>1. Have you finished writing the last three scripts for the 5th season?

>2. Does Claudia Christensen have a guest shot anywhere in Season 5? 
No, and who is Claudia Christensen?

>3. What exactly is Thirdspace supposed to be about? No spoilers please
Then don't ask.

>4. Do you find me attractive? 
For what purpose?
>4b. Do you need a poorly paid lackey to beat people up and clean your boots?
>4c. Can I be your friend? 
Not without you contravening the restraining order.

>5. Well there be a security guard named Kenny who will die before the end of
every episode in season 5? 
>5b. If so can I play Kenny?
Only if you will consent to being eaten by rats afterward.

>6. Is your talent on loan from god like Rush Limbaugh's?
No, I get to keep mine.
>6b. Can I have some of the enormous sums of cash you must have? 
What enormous sums of cash?  This ain't a real network, son.
>7. Shoes. What's the deal?
They're supposed to make it harder for you to swallow your foot.

>Now that I am done with my serious questions I have a few that I am
>legally obligatted to ask under the terms of the 1988 Arms Reduction Act:
>Frog's Ass: watertight or simply waterproof?
What you do in the privacy of your home is your concern.
>Wrestling: fake or pretend?
Kabuki Theater.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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