SFTV Nielsen Ratings (December)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon Jan 12 15:32:36 EST 1998

Forwarded message to B5JMS list.
Originally From: Troy-Heagy at psu.edu


Check your newsgroups before replying.  CROSSPOSTED-TO: rec.arts.tv,
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BEST VIEWED with a non-proportional font: Courier/Monaco/VT100

                (An alternate source for these ratings is
                 at http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/tv.html)

96-97 SEASON:   ABC  8.4  CBS  8.8  NBC  9.7  FOX 6.8  UPN 3.0  WB 2.5
97-98 SEASON:   ABC  8.8  CBS  9.4  NBC 10.6  FOX 7.1  UPN 3.0  WB 2.9

       SYNDI |     NETWORK RATINGS           |        SYNDICATED      |
>>97< X^2 O.L|   X   3rd  Mill Buf Early  VOY| EFC  DS9  Her  Xen  B 5|
09/01 --- (R)|  (R)  (R)   (R) (R)   (R)  6.5| ---  (R)  (R)  (R)  (R)
09/08 --- (R)|  (R)  (R)   (R) (R)   (R)  5.6| ---  (R)  (R)  (R)  (R)
09/15 --- (R)|  (R)  (R)   7.3 2.9   (R)  4.5| ---  (R)  (R)  (R)  (R)
09/22 --- (R)|  (R) 11.2   6.5 3.2   9.6  4.5| ---  (R)  (R)  (R)  (R)
09/29 --- (R)|  (R)  (R)   6.7 3.4   9.1  5.0| ---  (R)  (R)  (R)  (R)
10/06 --- ???|  (R)  8.2   --- 3.2   8.8  4.8| ---  5.4  5.5  6.1  1.9?
10/13 4.5 ???|  (R)  6.6   6.0 3.5   8.7  (R)| 4.9  5.2  4.8  5.6  2.3?
10/20 8.8 ???|  (R)  ---   6.7 3.1   8.2  (R)| ???  4.8  5.0  5.0  2.0?
10/27 7.9 ???| 16.1 10.3   5.7 3.7   8.3  4.6| 4.2  5.1  5.6  6.0  2.1
11/03 7.8 3.0| 15.0  8.9   6.1 3.4   9.0 *4.7| 4.3  6.0  6.1  6.2  ---
11/10 7.0 3.0| 13.0  9.1   6.7 3.7   8.8  5.2| 3.5  6.4  5.9  6.2  ---
11/17 ??? 3.7| 13.2  9.1   5.6 3.5   8.4  4.4| 4.2  6.5  6.2  6.8  ---
11/24 ??? 3.8| 11.5  ---   --- 3.5   ---  4.1| 3.7  5.1  6.4  6.3  ---
12/01 6.5 3.1| 12.8  8.1   (R) 3.1   (R)  3.8| 3.8  5.1  4.9  5.1  ---
12/08 7.1 ???| 12.4  (R)   (R) 3.9   ---  (R)| (R)  (R)  5.1  5.6  ---
12/15 ??? 2.8|  (R)  (R)   (R) (R)   (R)  ???| (R)  (R)  4.6  5.1  ---
12/22 ??? ???|  (R)  (R)   (R) (R)   (R)  (R)| (R)  (R)  ???  ???  ---
12/29 ??? ???| 11.6  (R)   --- (R)   ---  (R)| (R)  (R)  ???  ???  ---
             |                               |                         
       SYNDI |     NETWORK RATINGS           |        SYNDICATED  |TNT|
>>98< X^2 O.L|   X   3rd  Mill Buf Early  VOY| EFC  DS9  Her  Xen |B 5|
01/05        |                            (R)|                    |4.1|
>Rank 006 ---|  006  ---   --- ---   ---  ---| ---  ---  ---  --- |004|

*new time    ---pre-empted    (R)repeat    ???unknown     ?unconfirmed
(TNT cable ratings adjusted for size of audience: 74% coverage.)

In the next 2 weeks, WB will be adding 4.1 million new viewers in
Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Cincinnati, San Antonio, and Oklahoma City.  Many
of these new viewers are from former UPN stations.  Buffy the Vampire
Slayer is moving to Tuesday night, and a new animated series called
Invasion America by Steven Spielberg will be added to WB's schedule.

"In The Beginning" 4.1%    "The Gathering Special Edition" 3.4%  
Here's how other shows are doing in B5's future slots:
 7PM re-runs: Lois & Clark 1.3%
10PM new eps: Robin Hood   1.0%

B5 reruns            Jan 04 (includes new movie: In the Beginning)
Babylon 5 (season 5) Jan 21 (episode #501;  TNT season 5 premiere)
Sliders (season 4)   Feb ?? (Sci-Fi Channel)

Babylon 5            Jun 17 (The Final Episode)
RATING:     A percentage of homes watching a particular program.
NETWORK:    1.0 Rating=980,000 homes/98.0 million homes total
SYNDICATED: 1.0 Rating=959,000 homes/95.9 million homes total
            Average Audience (AA) Ratings: non-repeated viewings 
COVERAGE:   Percentage of homes that can view a program.  Most programs
            are 99-100%, except WB, UPN, syndicated, and cable programs: 
            Buffy    VOY      EFC      DS9      Herc      Xena      B5
            85%      90%      ??%      97%      98%       98%       74%

Jeffrey Willerth (Producer's Associate: Babylon 5):
"We are back.  And we are back in a really good way.  There is a
"little" more money, so we have a bigger show to do.  The TNT folks are
simply outstanding!!!  All the Turner folks I've dealt with are genuine,
excited and refreshing to do business with.  When you talk to them, it
is as if you are speaking to real people who love B5. They get it! 
These TNT movies will be some of the finest television programming  ever
broadcast.  Pay attention! You won't be sorry."

Ira Steven Behr (producer of Deep Space Nine):
"Way of the Warrior itself was a show that was more the result of
business decisions.  If it wasn't for that business decision - to really
play up the Klingons - the fourth season would have started much
differently.  We would not have had the Klingon-Cardassian War and the
whole Klingon-Federation War.  No doubt about that.  I think we did a
very good job with it, but it took us a year to get back on track."

J. Michael Straczynski (creator/producer/writer of Babylon 5):
"...there will always be short-term setbacks, but as long as we climb
back a few inches higher than we were before we fell down, we keep
moving toward the goal of becoming a better people and getting off the
planet.  Taking our place among the stars."

*   Ratings posted monthly...     barring assimilation by the Borg,   *
*   abduction by Cancer Man, or severe trauma from Shadow implants.   *
Selected by Jim "The Big Dweeb" Griffith.                Email submissions to
trek-info at xcf.berkeley.edu, questions to trek-info-request at xcf.berkeley.edu
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