ATTN JMS: Are you the Universe? (minor random spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jan 22 06:14:20 EST 1998

From: savad at (Daniel Savad)
Date: 18 Jan 1998 09:02:42 -0700
Lines: 40

This post contains spoilers reguarding Minbari philosophy of the universe

I was just thinking more deeply about what Delen has stated about the
theory of the true universe.  She said that the universe has some sort of
sentience and every living being is an expression of some part of its
mind.  The interactions between the beings is the process of the universe
trying to make up its mind.

Keeping that in mind, doesn't that mean that YOU are the universe?  Every
being (on the show) has come from your mind.  You've stated on many
occations that you talk to them regularly to find out how each would react
to the situations you give them.  All of them (and their interactions) are
expressions of YOUR thought processes.  You are the universe!

Is this what you were going for as you wrote the series?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 18 Jan 1998 16:54:13 -0700
Lines: 16

>the show) has come from your mind.  You've stated on many
>occations that you talk to them regularly to find out how each would react
>to the situations you give them.  All of them (and their interactions) are
>expressions of YOUR thought processes.  You are the universe!
>Is this what you were going for as you wrote the series?
Heavens, no...if I'm the universe then it's a low-rent galaxy, lemme tell


(jmsatb5 at
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