Cats: Shadows or Vorlons?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Jan 29 06:25:05 EST 1998

From: Blair Leatherwood <bleatherwood at>
Date: 28 Jan 1998 23:32:55 -0700
Lines: 27

The setup:

1.  One of our cats has decided that the cable box is a great place to
sleep.  It's warm, it's in a cozy spot.

2.  We're taping B5.  We have choir rehearsals on Wednesday nights
(we're supplying our cantor with copies of seasons 1-3 as he didn't pick
up on B5 until late.

3.  We get home, we get our snacks, we plop down to watch the episode.

The payoff:

We get approximately 10 minutes into "The Long Night..." and suddenly
we're watching a preschool thing.  I fast forward thinking it was a
problem with our cable company.  No--it switches a few minutes later to
some Charles Bronson movie.

Now, I don't know if we're being made to pay for some transgression
(okay, we did throw him and the other felines into the garage while the
realtors were tramping through), but here's what he did:  he turned the
box on, switched channels twice, and turned in off!

This is not normal feline intelligence.  You tell me, is this a Vorlon
or a Shadow we've got here?


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 29 Jan 1998 03:17:21 -0700
Lines: 37

>The setup:
>1.  One of our cats has decided that the cable box is a great place to
>sleep.  It's warm, it's in a cozy spot.
>2.  We're taping B5.  We have choir rehearsals on Wednesday nights
>(we're supplying our cantor with copies of seasons 1-3 as he didn't pick
>up on B5 until late.
>3.  We get home, we get our snacks, we plop down to watch the episode.
>The payoff:
>We get approximately 10 minutes into "The Long Night..." and suddenly
>we're watching a preschool thing.  I fast forward thinking it was a
>problem with our cable company.  No--it switches a few minutes later to
>some Charles Bronson movie.
>Now, I don't know if we're being made to pay for some transgression
>(okay, we did throw him and the other felines into the garage while the
>realtors were tramping through), but here's what he did:  he turned the
>box on, switched channels twice, and turned in off!
>This is not normal feline intelligence.  You tell me, is this a Vorlon
>or a Shadow we've got here?

Neither.  He's like all cats: he's a Keeper...they sit on your shoulder,
they're invisible unless they want to be seen, they glare at you out of one
baleful eye, and gradually they take over your life.


(jmsatb5 at
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