Season 5 ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jul 3 06:14:12 EDT 1998

From: ogb at (Otto Geir Borg)
Date: 1 Jul 1998 20:00:40 -0600
Lines: 82

Spoilers for Season 5

Thank you for five years of excellent storytelling, I've been lurking around
alot and there are a few questions that I have about the series







1: It seems that the opening of hundreds of jumpgates has become a visual
metaphor for the the turning point in warfare I've been noticing that this
season in the movie "In the Beginning" the last attack of the Minbari and
the episodes "Paragon of Animals", when the Whitestars come to the rescue
the  and "Movements of Fire and Shadow" which really leaves us hanging.  The
question is did you conciously have the scene in "Paragon" and "In the
Beginning to foreshadow the really big scene in Movements.

2: In "All my Dreams Torn Asunder" during Londo's second speech to the
council, it looks like Lennier is in two places at the same time, beside
Delenn and in the back.  Am I just seeing things?

3: The name Byron brings up the English romantic poet, did you choose the
name because of Byrons lifestile (the failed Greek revoulution and other
things) or his poetry?

4: Could you explain the process of virtual sets?  Who designed the Drazi
homeworld, it's like a blend of a Greek and medieval architecture.

5: At some point will you explain how the keepers function.  Are they
preprogrammed bioorganic control tools or does somebody control them or are
keepers a sentient life form?

6: A lot of people in the English newsgroup claim that they saw a shadow of
a Shadow vessel floating above the transport ship in "Phoenix Rising", could
that be a subtle hint of how closely the Psi corps were working with the

Ok that is it for now


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Jul 1998 07:49:34 -0600
Lines: 44

>In "All my Dreams Torn Asunder" during Londo's second speech to the
>council, it looks like Lennier is in two places at the same time, beside
>Delenn and in the back.  Am I just seeing things?

Yep, you're seeing things.  It's a result of the camera angles.

>The name Byron brings up the English romantic poet, did you choose the
>name because of Byrons lifestile (the failed Greek revoulution and other
>things) or his poetry?

A little of the former, but's a pun, of sorts.  He is a nominal
christ figure in this, so we have Simon, Peter, Thomas...and the most famous
Byron was, of course...Lord Byron.

> Could you explain the process of virtual sets?  Who designed the Drazi
>homeworld, it's like a blend of a Greek and medieval architecture.
John and I meet with the art department, and we discuss the kind of planet,
most of which is based in the script: the place is hot, the streets are narrow,
that sort of thing.  They come up with drawings in coordination with the CGI
division, we approve the look of it, and that's what gets filmed.

>At some point will you explain how the keepers function.  Are they
>preprogrammed bioorganic control tools or does somebody control them or are
>keepers a sentient life form?
You'll kind of get a sense of this the next time you see one in action.

>A lot of people in the English newsgroup claim that they saw a shadow of
>a Shadow vessel floating above the transport ship in "Phoenix Rising", could
>that be a subtle hint of how closely the Psi corps were working with the
It weren't there.


(jmsatb5 at
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