Why More Producers Aren't Here

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Sat Jul 4 06:07:59 EDT 1998

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 3 Jul 1998 15:12:16 -0600
Lines: 43

Here's a small slice of life to explain why more producers and cast members
aren't online.

I kept getting emails (and public postings) from a fellow going by the handle
of goodx6 here on AOL (goodx6 at aol.com).  I have said before that I would rather
that general plot questions (which these were) would be addressed in the public
forums, but frankly, these were not questions that I really felt warranted
answering because much of it had been covered.  So I didn't answer, and spent
that time answering other questions.

More of the same exact emails continued to come in.  I ignored them.  The
person in question then *demanded* that I answer his emails and his public
messages.  I explained that I did not *have* to answer any questions at all,
and with limited time, tried to put my efforts and energies into questions we
hadn't already covered.  He sent another very harrassing note, and I plinked

So today, I found out I couldn't get email (and there were several important B5
related emails that should have been here).  I found that I couldn't receive
ANY email because I had received nearly 1,000 emails from the same account
(masquerading under two different names, but sending identical emails) saying
that I was a queer for not answering goodx6's questions.  (The handles were
jesus4834 and TWare97181.)  Obviously goodx6 either asked this person to do
this, since the conversation was originally carried out in email, or they are
all the same person.

The assumption here seems to be that I am *required* to respond to inquiries,
and that if I don't, I'm entitled to be harrassed.  

This is not the first time this has happened to me.  And this will probably not
be the last.  It took me about 20 minutes to clear out my mailbox, deleting
almost 1,000 harrassing emails by hand, another 10 minutes to send on the info
to AOL's terms of service...and it shoved out all the online AOL email
backfiles, some of which I use for reference.

And this is the kind of thing that after a while makes one more convinced that
pulling away down the road is exactly the right thing to do.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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