ATTN JMS: Who Was Jack The Ripper Really???

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jul 27 06:21:25 EDT 1998

From: Brian Walsh <twisted415 at>
Date: 24 Jul 1998 23:40:51 -0600
Lines: 3

I hear you have a solid theory on the identity of the real Jack The
Ripper. I read a snippet of the theory on the Lurkers Guide, but was
wondering if you would elaborate. Thanks.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Jul 1998 04:20:48 -0600
Lines: 24

Who was the one person whose wife actually wrote a letter to the London Times
suggesting that the ripper maybe was trying to tell them something, and that
maybe he'd stop if they listened?  Who was the last person to see at least two
of the victims alive on missions of mercy to the jail?  Who was reported to
have become unhinged by the filth in the area around the murders when he found
a rat in his breakfast? Who had medical experience? Who left England suddenly
after being questioned, with the murders stopping soon afterward?  Whose
transcripts of interviews with church officials and British police are *still*
kept under lock and key? Who is the sort of person who might say -- as the only
witness to hear the ripper reported hearing him remark to one of his victims --
"You would do anything but pray?"  Who had the same last name -- and was a
likely relative -- of the man living with the very last victim, the only one
killed in her room (suggesting she knew the killer)?

The Reverend Samuel Barnett.  That's my choice.  

(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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