ATTN JMS: Thanks for the recommendation

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Jun 3 06:12:17 EDT 1998

From: Susan Phillips <vampry at>
Date: 2 Jun 1998 00:24:33 -0600
Lines: 13

I found Cherry Poppin Daddies all by myself but I just bought and
listened to Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, on your recommendation, and it is
great.  Thanks so much.

When did swing come back?  I must have been asleep or something...but
it's wonderful music and never fails to make me feel better if I'm down.

Five days a week, my body is a temple; the other two,
	it's an amusement park.
		Jerry Doyle

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 2 Jun 1998 08:24:22 -0600
Lines: 18

>When did swing come back?  I must have been asleep or something...but
>it's wonderful music and never fails to make me feel better if I'm down.

I dunno...seems like the kids today call it "swank."  I first came across it
with the Squirrel Nut Zippers, then Cherry Poppin' Daddies, now Big Bad Voodoo
Daddy...there are any number of swing clubs opening up these days (we had the
B5 wrap party at one of them here in LA)...I don't know what made it hit
critical mass, but I'm glad it did.

What I like about some of these, like Cherry Poppin' Daddies, is that they
apply the music of swing to some pretty raw-edged lyrics, which makes for a
combination that is at once modern but familiar, edgy but reassuring.


(jmsatb5 at
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