Darkness Ascending ( *Spoilers* )

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Tue Jun 9 06:30:04 EDT 1998

From: billones at primenet.com (Jeremy Billones)
Date: 8 Jun 1998 12:38:03 -0600
Lines: 53

Spoilers for Darkness Ascending

In article <1998060419495100.PAA04841 at ladder01.news.aol.com>,
Jms at B5 <jmsatb5 at aol.com> wrote:
>>Nice to see certain characters back in their old forms.
>>Delenn is not a lady to mess around with- even in an arguement.  She
>>didn't merely hand Johnny's butt back to him, she GIFTWRAPPED the
>>fragger, and put a pretty bow on it!  Nice verbal Judo, there. 
>That's one of my favorite scenes from that episode...she basically yanks his
>pants up over his head and ties them in a knot.  Someone trained in the
>religious caste can argue her way around just about anything and anyone.

My problem with that sequence is that it *assumes* she's right.

It would be perfectly reasonable given his known personality for Sheridan
to have not assigned Lennier to the Centauri border for any number of
reasons, and not necessarily to "protect Delenn."  And if that *wasn't*
one of his reasons, he'd have her butt hand delivered with a singing
telegram to go with it.  But instead, her reasoning just happens to be

Mind you, I love Delenn's character, but she should be right by reason
and not right by dramatic license.

Jeremy Billones        0-1  9.00  0.739       http://www.primenet.com/~billones
"Unless she turns up in the WWF managing Steven Regal, Ginger Spice is
*still* off topic on RSPWM."

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Jun 1998 16:14:16 -0600
Lines: 49

>It would be perfectly reasonable given his known personality for Sheridan
>to have not assigned Lennier to the Centauri border for any number of
>reasons, and not necessarily to "protect Delenn."  And if that *wasn't*
>one of his reasons, he'd have her butt hand delivered with a singing
>telegram to go with it.  But instead, her reasoning just happens to be

>Mind you, I love Delenn's character, but she should be right by reason
>and not right by dramatic license.

She's right because she's married to the guy and knows him inside and out,
including how he thinks and why he does things.

When you live with somebody like that, you can go out and buy a pair of shoes,
and in the morning, complain that they're too tight...and never mention it
again for the rest of the day...then in the evening you sigh, as you're taking
them off, and he or she says, "Don't worry, we can always have them stretched."


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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