ATTN: JMS: writing and tears (AAMDTA Spoilers)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jun 19 06:30:31 EDT 1998

From: Maia  Bernstein <mb210 at>
Date: 18 Jun 1998 08:24:49 -0600
Lines: 56

Spoiler Space for "And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"

In the Dark.

	"And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder"

	I am often moved to tears by B5.    But this was too painful even
to cry--until the final scene had faded into darkness, and then I couldn't

	A thoroughly impertinent question: do you ever cry when you write?

	I'm curious because I occasionally start to cry when I am writing
poetry or fiction, though if I am deeply involved in the work I may not
even notice until later.      I remember your saying once, I think on
this newsgroup, that if you do not move yourself, you will not move the

	"I find in your eyes all the thanks I will ever require, 
		in this life or any other."

	"So many candles will go out tonight.   I wonder, sometimes,
		if we can see anything at all."

Just thinking of those words brings tears to my eyes.

Thanks, Joe.


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 18 Jun 1998 21:05:07 -0600
Lines: 31

>A thoroughly impertinent question: do you ever cry when you write?
>	I'm curious because I occasionally start to cry when I am writing
>poetry or fiction, though if I am deeply involved in the work I may not
>even notice until later.  
> I remember your saying once, I think on
>this newsgroup, that if you do not move yourself, you will not move the

On occasion, yeah...I think you have to really feel that if you want to do it
to someone else.  When I bumped off Kosh, there was a little of that...and
there were some scenes in "Confessions and Lamentations" that did that, and
definitely in "Sleeping in Light."

Thing is, last night I pulled out the tapes for the last two episodes, "Objects
at Rest" and "Sleeping in Light," and watched them back to back, and I was an
absolute wreck afterward.  There are a couple of scenes in both of them that
just put me away.  That's *good*, they should, they have to, but man...I was
just gone.  

But strangest of all, the final credits sequence and what we did with them for
SiL is also very deeply affecting...and I'm not entirely sure why, I think it's
something operating at an almost subconscious level, about seeing certain
images juxtaposed.  Darndest thing....


(jmsatb5 at
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