JMS: Thirdspace note

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Jun 19 06:37:15 EDT 1998

From: Blair Leatherwood <bleatherwood at>
Date: 16 Jun 1998 23:07:36 -0600
Lines: 10

More proof that we're finally making some headway into the mainstream.
This item showed up in The Sacramento Bee TV column regarding summer

The second movie from one of TV's most creative sci-fi series that is
far too complicated to explain but too good to miss, even if you don't
know the background.  The new film has the space station crew dealing
with an alien relic that is a gateway to a new dimension.

Rick Kushman, The Sacramento Bee, 16 Jun 1998

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 17 Jun 1998 09:04:19 -0600
Lines: 11

>The second movie from one of TV's most creative sci-fi series that is
>far too complicated to explain but too good to miss, even if you don't
>know the background.  

Now THAT'S comedy.


(jmsatb5 at
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