AtTn JmS: The Harlan Award

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 21 06:20:41 EDT 1998

From: mitchm at (Mitchell Gil Maltenfort)
Date: 20 Jun 1998 12:39:37 -0600
Lines: 21

In article <199806191750.RAA05591 at>, lcfalby at wrote:

>While viewing Masters of Fantasy last night, I was struck by another of 
>your less-noted achievements:
>  You're a TV producer who has managed to work with Harlan Ellison for
>the full duration of a television series.
>  Thinking about the trail of mangled TV producers that Harlan has left
>in his wake, that's quite an accomplishment!  Tell us, for the sake of
>future TV producers who may work with Harlan and the people who love them,
>how did you do it?

What I want to know is how much  of the quarter-million-book-library
mentioned in the same show Harlan has actually read.  Come to think of it,
I also want to know Harlan's reading speed, JMS's reading speed, and if
either of them can recommend an effective, reliable and reasonably priced
speed-reading course!

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 21 Jun 1998 02:32:07 -0600
Lines: 25

>Tell us, for the sake of
>future TV producers who may work with Harlan and the people who love them,
>how did you do it?

Simple.  Just respect what he brings to the table, and don't fuck with him.  In
over a decade of calling Harlan a friend, I have never seen him go after
anybody who didn't go after him first.

>What I want to know is how much  of the quarter-million-book-library
>mentioned in the same show Harlan has actually read.  Come to think of it,
>I also want to know Harlan's reading speed, JMS's reading speed, and if
>either of them can recommend an effective, reliable and reasonably priced
>speed-reading course!

I figure if somebody took time to get it right, you don't speed read past it.


(jmsatb5 at
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