ATTN: JMS Telepath War

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 28 06:09:55 EDT 1998

From: "C.M. Chan" <c.chan at>
Date: 22 Jun 1998 16:57:55 -0600
Lines: 10

I just read your timeline for the Telepath War and I'm confused. There
was so much set-up for it in the earlier part of the season, and even in
parts of S4, that I assumed it would be happening at the end of this
year. Is there some reason you decided to keep the action off-stage? 

Loved the last four and can hardly wait for fall!



From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Jun 1998 09:38:43 -0600
Lines: 31

>was so much set-up for it in the earlier part of the season, and even in
>parts of S4, that I assumed it would be happening at the end of this
>year. Is there some reason you decided to keep the action off-stage? 

It's too big, and too many people get killed, to do it in year 5.  It would
also require more time to actually come to fruition after the death of Byron,
and B5 always equals one year per season.  Story-wise, for reasons you'll see
in a few episodes, it can't really get going for another couple of years in a
big way, and that's outside the purview of the fifth year.

(Again, the attempt here is to be rigorously consistent and realistic in how
long it takes for some things to happen, you don't have something as big as the
teep crisis sown, turn into a major conflict, and get resolved this fast, with
so much else going on, on Centauri Prime and elsewhere at the same time.  You
can't give it proper time.)

There's just so much you can fit into a given season.  And part of the job is
to create a universe with a past, present and future, whether or not you
actually ever see it.  We never saw the Minbari war really until In the
Beginning; ditto for the Dilgar War.  But they're there, in the B5 universe,
informing the events around them.

It will get dealt with, however, at some point down the road, either in a TV
movie or elsewhere.


(jmsatb5 at
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