ATTN JMS: Latest few episodes

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Jun 28 06:14:56 EDT 1998

From: Justin Stout <stout at>
Date: 23 Jun 1998 16:13:07 -0600
Lines: 30

    First of all, I would like to say hello as I am posting for the
first time.  I have been lurking for a while now, and I am one of the
people brought to the show by TNT since the syndication in my area's
idea of quality television involves either Gene Rodenberry or Greek
Mythology (if thats what you can call those shows).  It has quickly
become my favorite show over the Simpsons and the X-Files because of the
complexity, the feeling, and it reminds me of a return to tried-true
literature methods that modern TV has seemed to want to leave behind.
    Secondly, I'd like to say how amazed I was at the last few episodes
of the show.  After a first half of the season I wasn't thrilled over, I
trusted you because of the outstanding reruns I was watching at the
time.  And man, did you deliver.  AAMDTA brought a sense of tradgedy not
scene since "The Coming of Shadows", my favorite episode, only to be
amplified ten times in MoFaS in the scenes between the Londo and the
Regent.  I'd also have to say that the reason you right telepath
situations so well is because you must be one yourself with the stunt
you just pulled.  I'm still amazed that you didn't know that that
episode would turn out to be a cliffhanger, and I can't say my TV didn't
receive a few good licks from my shoes.  These last few episodes are
going to be doozies, and it will only make the summer harder.
    Finally, I'd like to ask you as writer/exec. producer of Babylon 5 a
question:  what advice would you give someone who has aspirations to do
something as ambitiously different as Babylon 5?  I know it couldn't
have been easy.  You and Babylon 5 have made me seriously think about
television as a medium to tell stories in a way never done before,
probably the same way you've said Rod Serling and TZ affected you.
Anyway, this post is getting long, so keep up the good work!
                                                            A faithful
                                                            Justin Stout

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Jun 1998 14:45:12 -0600
Lines: 14

Thanks for the generous compliments.

>what advice would you give someone who has aspirations to do
>something as ambitiously different as Babylon 5?  I know it couldn't
>have been easy.  You and Babylon 5 have made me seriously think about
>television as a medium to tell stories in a way never done before,

Follow your passion.  Nothing else matters.


(jmsatb5 at
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