Day of the Dead (*Spoilers*)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Mar 15 06:21:41 EST 1998

From: tsbrueni at (Timothy Bruening)
Date: 12 Mar 1998 17:25:05 -0700
Lines: 35

Deadly spoilers below:

In this episode, the Brakiri buy part of Babylon 5 for their Day of the
Dead.  Inside the zone, Londo is visited by Adira, Garibaldi is visited by
Dodger, Lochley is visited by Zoe, and Lennier is visited by Morden.

Why didn't JMS bring Ivanova back to B5 to be visited by Marcus Cole, her
brother, or her father?

Why didn't JMS put Sheridan in the zone to be visited by Kosh or Anne

I was surprised that Londo wasn't visited by any of the Narn killed by the
war he started, or by Morden, Lord Refa, Emperor Turhan, Emperor Cartagia,
Urza Jaddo, or the Shadows he killed in the fourth season.

Timothy S. Bruening (tsbrueni at
Davis Community Network

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 Mar 1998 00:13:47 -0700
Lines: 40

>Why didn't JMS bring Ivanova back to B5 to be visited by Marcus Cole, her
>brother, or her father?
>Why didn't JMS put Sheridan in the zone to be visited by Kosh or Anne

I didn't write it.  It's Neil's script.  The characters he chose are the ones
he wanted to play with.


(jmsatb5 at
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