ATTN JMS: Time Warners Synchronicity

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 11 06:26:33 EDT 1998

From: Malfait at
Date: 9 May 1998 14:41:52 -0600
Lines: 70

Dear Mr. Straczynski:

The gist of this question is: what is your position on
cross-pollination within various Time Warners properties?
I don't believe this breaks the story idea rule, but I'll
add "spoiler" space just as a safety measure...

S P A C E   (Thanks for a wonderful show!)

Babylon 5 has integrated Daffy Duck cartoons into the narrative.  The
proposed "Demon with a Glass Hand" crossover did not work out, but
you have indicated a willingness to cross over with other creative
universes.  How far does this go?  What sorts of barriers have you
erected to prevent crossovers that you don't care for?  From the
creator's standpoint, what are the logistics of this type of thing?

Following are some specific examples --

You have indicated that you are pleased with the handling of the
Straczynskiverse Franchise by TNT.  On the other hand, myself and
countless other innocent loyal fans have been subjected to the agony
that is TNT's Monday Nitro...

I'm really surprised at how bad pro wrestling continues to
be... they could at least shoot for the entertainment value of a
Jackie Chan film. To make the experience of viewing TNT programming
less painful for your fans, have you considered writing some
storylines for TNT Monday Nitro?  TKO was considered a less-
successful episode -- could you "redeem" yourself here?

The wrestler Sting appears to be a Crow knock-off.  Are you open to the
possibility of professional wrestlers dressing as Narns or Minbari?
How about the Nitro Fly Girls dressed as Centauri slaves?  I think
someone wrestling in a Vorlon encounter suit would be interesting.

DCU: Will the Legion of SuperHeroes ever have members from Narn,
Centauri, or Minbar?  Will TBP:C visit Daxamite space?  How about
Krypton?  _That_ would be some archaeological SF!  'Mazing Man would
make a great addition to the crew of the Excalibur...

Remember WENN: I'd just like to throw in a suggestion that you
give Rupert Holmes a crack at scripting an ep of TBP:C.  I would
also love to see an episode of Remember WENN written by J.
Michael Straczynski!!!  Have you seen this show yet?  Any thoughts
on the season 3 cliffhanger?  Any ideas as to Who shot Whom?

Also, Howard Chaykin!  'Nuff said!

In closing, I'd like to thank you for this wonderful show and your
online participation!  I look forward to your future projects...

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:02 -0600
Lines: 19

> To make the experience of viewing TNT programming
>less painful for your fans, have you considered writing some
>storylines for TNT Monday Nitro?  TKO was considered a less-
>successful episode -- could you "redeem" yourself here?

>The wrestler Sting appears to be a Crow knock-off.  Are you open to the
>possibility of professional wrestlers dressing as Narns or Minbari?
>How about the Nitro Fly Girls dressed as Centauri slaves?  I think
>someone wrestling in a Vorlon encounter suit would be interesting.

So...have the drugs worn off, or are they just kicking in...?


(jmsatb5 at
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