A message for JMS on usenet

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Mon May 11 06:21:32 EDT 1998

From: "Rebecca Strait" <Rebecca_Strait at cpqm.mail.saic.com>
Date: 9 May 1998 14:26:18 -0600
Lines: 17

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I am a regular visitor and contributor to the TNT web page bulletin board, and recently I posed a question to the fans there.  The response was quite positive.  I would now like to ask you the same question, since I imagine you have more direct influence with TNT than we mere fans.

As I was looking at the future schedule of fifth season episodes, I notice that "Sleeping in Light", barring further preemptions or changes, is going to air on November 25, the night before Thanksgiving.  Now, consider, how many of your fans, who have been waiting for this episode for over FIVE YEARS, are going to have to miss it, or record it, because they are travelling home that night for the holiday?  How many of us will be in our cars or in airplanes instead of happily crying in front of our TV's?

However, I had a thought.  It occurred to me that River of Souls is slotted for the previous Sunday, November 22, and I thought about how much better it would be if SiL were to air right after RoS, in addition to it's regular showings.  Everyone could be home, with all their friends, for a whole evening of saying goodbye to Babylon 5, and no one would have to annoy their families by skipping a holiday in favor of a TV show (and believe me, some of us would).  I, for one, want to have a party for this episode.

The fans at the TNT site were unanimous in their support of this idea, so I bring it to you and the others reading this newsgroup.  I've already talked to Kat Slonaker about this in chat, and she said she'd put the idea to the programming department.  With your support, added to ours, I don't see how they could say no.

Thank you for listening, in any case,

RJ Strait  (aka Worker Caste on Babcom2 at TNT.turner.com/babylon5)

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:23 -0600
Lines: 11

It's a good idea...but River and Sleeping are very different in tone and
attitude, and frankly, putting them together would work to de-emphasize certain
special aspects of both.  And Sleeping, as the culmination of the 5 year story,
really does merit a night of its own.  And as I look at that story, I think
that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving may actually be the perfect time for it.


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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