article on JMS's MIT visit

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 11 06:36:35 EDT 1998

From: "Plain and Simple Cronan" <cronan at>
Date: 6 May 1998 23:12:07 -0600
Lines: 19

Sarah L. Clark wrote in message <6iqt4b$1d8 at senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU>...
>In article <354FA004.3CB8 at>,
>Uncle Al  <UncleAl0 at> wrote:
>>As the Great Maker is quoted,  "We have no cute kids and robots as
>>regulars on the show," he said. "We have them as guest stars, and we
>>kill them."
>Which was followed by a blood-thirsty cheer from the crowd.

Occurs to me that I can't think of a current scifi show that does. Nope.
Thinking about no scifi show currently in production has "cute kids and
robts as regulars." It's pretty wierd that JMS empahsizes this when it is
true of every show on the air. Even the ones that are worse than B5 has ever


From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 10 May 1998 14:35:43 -0600
Lines: 18

>Occurs to me that I can't think of a current scifi show that does. Nope.
>Thinking about no scifi show currently in production has "cute kids and
>robts as regulars." It's pretty wierd that JMS empahsizes this when it is
>true of every show on the air. Even the ones that are worse than B5 has ever

Sisko's kid son in Deep Space Nine, and the Ferengi kid in the same series.

That's two kids in the same show.

Maybe the problem is not in the proposition as advanced, but rather in your


(jmsatb5 at
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