ATTN jms: Idees Fixes (was: Claudia Confirms She Quit)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue May 12 06:25:25 EDT 1998

From: David Woon <woon at>
Date: 10 May 1998 14:30:23 -0600
Lines: 28

jms wrote:

> To those folks who have been ragging on me when I said that Claudia was the one
> who quit the show, that she was NOT fired, and calling into question my honesty
> and my forthrightness...I point you toward the Summer issue of Sci Fi Invasion,
> containing an interview with Claudia wherein she confirms, point blank, without
> equivocation, that she quit the show.  
> I would hope these same individuals would now have the spine to apologize, but
> I very much doubt it.
> jms

... and you'd think the new photos of the Cydonia region from the Mars
Surveyor might lay to rest the stories about the face/city/pyramids that
sprung up from the Viking photos. Fat chance.

Dave Woon

PS Can you tell us whether we'll find out more about the Fourth Question
   in the next group of episodes? or do we have to wait until the ones
   being held back for fall are aired? I've got this feeling that the
   mood of the first half of S5 is tied to Q4.

   (Personally, I like the offbeat episodes and the oblique perspectives
   they've offered.)

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 11 May 1998 09:48:43 -0600
Lines: 20

>... and you'd think the new photos of the Cydonia region from the Mars
>Surveyor might lay to rest the stories about the face/city/pyramids that
>sprung up from the Viking photos. 

Difference is this time we have a note from the Cydonia equivilent stating the
unequivocal truth here.  If we sent a camera over Mars and there was a big huge
5 mile long sign saying IT AIN'T A FACE, OKAY, IT'S JUST A DUMP FOR OUR OLD
PEPSI CANS, I think that would go a long ways toward resolving the situation.

>Can you tell us whether we'll find out more about the Fourth Question
>   in the next group of episodes? or do we have to wait until the ones
>   being held back for fall are aired?

It's in the last batch.


(jmsatb5 at
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