ATTN JMS: A follow-up question to "A Defining Moment"

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri May 15 06:15:12 EDT 1998

From: "Simo Aaltonen" <simo.aaltonen at>
Date: 13 May 1998 17:40:36 -0600
Lines: 33

Greetings, JMS!

A few months back I posted a question to you on this newsgroup with the
subject line "A Defining Moment". I asked if there was any one moment
"where it all comes together for you". You replied that if this meant the
physical production of an episode, then that moment is the editing process.
And if it meant something else, you weren't really sure what I was asking

I know I'm terribly late with this follow-up to that post, but I feel it's
a worthwhile question to ask, if properly explained... So, what I meant to
ask is: Is there any one moment in any episode that you feel embodies or
represents what Babylon 5 means to you, at its core. A moment that perhaps
stands out as the "best moment of Babylon 5" for you, on an emotional

I think one of those moments for me would be the last scene in "Chrysalis"
(still one of the best episodes of B5), where Jeff Sinclair sits on a sofa,
staring into a distance in disbelief, and says "Nothing's the same

I think that's one of the most poignant lines of the entire series. It
moves me, whenever I see and hear the scene.

(Of course, someone might interpret that same scene a bit differently:
Sinclair is actually watching "Dallas" rererere...runs, and he's just found
out that "it was all a dream..." Never mind. Dumb Joke.)

Which scene, which line or which moment tears your heart out emotionally or
otherwise affects you as powerfully? Or is it yet to come in the remaining

-Simo Aaltonen

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 14 May 1998 11:12:57 -0600
Lines: 13

>Which scene, which line or which moment tears your heart out emotionally or
>otherwise affects you as powerfully? Or is it yet to come in the remaining
It's yet to come.


(jmsatb5 at
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