zofran at zofran at
Sun May 10 00:38:15 EDT 1998

Great Maker,
I am a loyal B5 fan, having watched from the very beginning. A work the other day 
I was listening to the ABC new the Item they were talking about the US envoy being sent to the Middle East trying to finalize a peace agreement.  They said that this agreement was "The Last Best Hope For Peace".  Babylon 5 is affecting the language of the world much like Star Trek has.  Others might have heard and reported it to you already, but just in case no one has I though you would like to hear about it.   

I love the show, your writing, an also appreciate your diligence in keeping B5 a top quality show.  I really enjoyed "The inside B5" show where we finally got to see your face, love the beard.  We have something beside B5 in common, I love watching Dennis Miller Live.  His rants come pretty close to the truth (IMHO) most of the times.  I don't miss a show if I can help it.  Malia
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