ATTN JMS: The back burners

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 25 06:40:59 EDT 1998

From: "Jeff Bauer" <babylon at>
Date: 23 May 1998 11:02:09 -0600
Lines: 25

	I've heard you talk quite a bit about all of the other writing projects
that you have simmering on the back burners.  Plays, novels, short stories,
scripts, etc.
	This in itself isn't an unusual thing;  many writers work on several
projects at once...just as many others can only work on one thing at a
time. easy is it for you to switch gears?  While writing itself is
simply telling a story, each medium calls for a completely different set of
rules and processes.  
	Do you find yourself, for example, saying "I think I'm in my novel-writing
 mood today"..?
	Or do you, being a somewhat obvious workaholic who just loves what he
does, find it easy to pick up any of these projects at any given time and
jump in full steam?
	I don't know if the majority of the group tires of people like myself who
always seem to ask writing questions.  But to me that is what B5 has always
been about.  The show is not about FX, explosions or PPG combat scenes... 
Jeff Bauer
Keeper Of Jeff's Babylon 5 Update Page

And The Storekeeper at "The Sci-Fi Bookstore" in association with

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 May 1998 11:27:22 -0600
Lines: 29

> easy is it for you to switch gears?  While writing itself is
>simply telling a story, each medium calls for a completely different set of
>rules and processes.  
>	Do you find yourself, for example, saying "I think I'm in my
> mood today"..?
>Or do you, being a somewhat obvious workaholic who just loves what he
>does, find it easy to pick up any of these projects at any given time and
>jump in full steam?

What happens is that my main goal for the evening is, say, writing a B5 script.
 I'll come to a point in it where I'll have to sit back and stew over what
comes next, how to pull it off.  It's often easy to know WHAT you want to do,
it's the HOW that's hard (worse still if you want to do the HOW *well*.)

That's strictly subconscious stuff, letting the brain chew on it, so while
that's going on, I'll go work on something else, or jump on the nets, whatever
it takes so I *don't* leave the keyboard and go watch TV, since I can lose
several hours that way.

Which one I pick depends on who I want to play with that day.  This week I've
been spending my "thinking" time on my play, just a page or two here and there,
no rush.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:
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