Att JMS, pls: "writing" question?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon May 25 07:31:50 EDT 1998

From: jamie at MCS.COM (Jamie)
Date: 24 May 1998 16:02:39 -0600
Lines: 24

I have a feeling this falls under the "asking impertinent questions to get
pertinent information" -- if it's NOMB, you are welcome to tell me so, or
ignore the question completely.

You have said many, many times, that writing is the only thing you do
well, that if you had to stop writing you'd disappear in a puff of smoke
(I think I may be paraphrasing on that last one) -- so I'm curious --

what part of "writing" are you referring to here? The "smashing words
together to see what happens" (another paraphrase, I think, but close
enough) or the storytelling part?

If you had to stop writing fiction, would you turn to a) writing
non-fiction, or b) some other form or storytelling? or are the two so
closely entwined that neither would satisfy you without the other, and
we'd be left with that "JMS-puff of smoke"?

Thanks --

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 May 1998 00:05:30 -0600
Lines: 27

>what part of "writing" are you referring to here? The "smashing words
>together to see what happens" (another paraphrase, I think, but close
>enough) or the storytelling part?

I can't really separate them out.  There's foreplay and there's sex, and in a
way they're both the same thing, same process, so to me it's all the same

>If you had to stop writing fiction, would you turn to a) writing
>non-fiction, or b) some other form or storytelling? or are the two so
>closely entwined that neither would satisfy you without the other, and
>we'd be left with that "JMS-puff of smoke"?

I'd find something.  If not scripts, then novels; if not novels, then short
stories; if not stories, then articles; if not articles, then songs; if not
songs, then plays...I get nervous when I ain't writing, and one way or another,
I'd find something.


(jmsatb5 at
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