ATTN JMS: fake merchandise? was Re: vetoing glasses & Calvin and

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 28 06:16:21 EDT 1998

From: Brian Watson <kerr at>
Date: 27 May 1998 11:38:51 -0600
Lines: 27

Dwight Williams wrote:

> Jms at B5 (jmsatb5 at writes:
> >>Does this include the stat bars/EA insignia (etc) sold by Janet Lawn
> >>Costumes here in the UK? I know the uniforms she makes are authorised
> >>(or were?) and just took the badges as part of the deal...
> >
> > No, those are okay, I was referring to the American scene.
> You can buy authorized uniforms in the UK/EU? Any chance of someone
> picking up a regional license for Canada(hoping we won't still be treated
> as part of the "US Domestic" market, I guess...)?

You used to.  As I understand, Janet has had to stop making the uniforms.
She apparently wasn't having enough business or wasn't making a large enough
profit to make it worthwhile.  Also, the license she had to make uniforms had
expired and in order to renew it WB was asking for a great deal of money.
After hearing that, I lost a great deal of respect to WB.

*shrugs*  The franchise chugs on.
   Brian "Kerr" Watson     <*>
 "Because what is built, endures...  what is loved, endures...
     and Babylon 5... Babylon 5 endures."   - Delenn, "Rising Star"

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 May 1998 00:18:48 -0600
Lines: 15

>She apparently wasn't having enough business or wasn't making a large enough
>profit to make it worthwhile.  Also, the license she had to make uniforms had
>expired and in order to renew it WB was asking for a great deal of money.
>After hearing that, I lost a great deal of respect to WB.

The problem is that she was, in essence, a one-woman business, and the number
of costumes she could put out was *very* small, meaning that most of the fans
who wanted them wouldn't be able to get them.  Letting the license go to a
larger entity means that more people would be able to get them.


(jmsatb5 at
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