ATTN JMS: An Unusual Thank You

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu May 28 06:28:50 EDT 1998

From: Lily-Rose <lilyrose at>
Date: 27 May 1998 23:54:19 -0600
Lines: 47

Dear Mr. Straczynski:

(A Quick Note: I don't use my real name on the 'net, because of
net.stalkers (a reason I'm sure you can understand, and a real serious
problem for women, even unknown ones).  However, I'm happy to give you all
my "real" information via private email.) 

Please forgive me if this message rambles a bit. 

When I was younger and wanted to be a Writer, I thought that the most
important bit of writing was the prestige of the venue -- an important
publisher, an important audience.  Time passed, and I didn't get
published, and I got real frustrated. 

I started watching Babylon 5 at the beginning of Season 1, and became
aware of JMS's Online Adventure within a few weeks.  I have followed both
avidly ever since. 

As I read your words, I slowly became aware that you had learned and
practiced your craft while writing .... children's cartoons.  *gasp* And
that murder mystery show.  *gasp again*

I pondered that for a long time, and finally I came to see that the
*truly* important bits of writing are integrity, honesty, craft, and
heart.  I bought your scriptwriting book, which both reinforced this view
and made me see that there are a lot of interesting stories I could tell.

I have been involved with a local melodrama theater for some years, so I
decided to apply the important bits.  I wrote an original melodrama, with
as much integrity, honesty, craft, and heart as I could muster. 

"The Cerrillos Coal Mine, or, The Ruined Woman's Revenge" premiered 3 days
ago. I and my guests had fun, the actors had fun, and ... the audience
laughed themselves silly, threw marshmellows, booed, cheered, and fell in
love.  I'm getting paid for this, and hope to sell it to a play-publishing
company in the next few weeks.

Thank you for (however unknowingly) gently beating me over the head with a
two-by-four until I realized that Prestige is nothing compared to craft.
I shan't forget this lesson any time soon.

Oh, and thank you *especially* for the fabulous 5-year tour.

Lily-Rose       lilyrose at

I'll be post-feminist in a post-patriarchy.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 28 May 1998 00:19:21 -0600
Lines: 25

>I pondered that for a long time, and finally I came to see that the
>*truly* important bits of writing are integrity, honesty, craft, and
>heart.  I bought your scriptwriting book, which both reinforced this view
>and made me see that there are a lot of interesting stories I could tell.

You can tell a good story in just about any venue, provided you approach it
with, as Balzac said, "clean hands and composure."  What matters is what you DO
with the form, not the form itself.

> I and my guests had fun, the actors had fun, and ... the audience
>laughed themselves silly, threw marshmellows, booed, cheered, and fell in
>love.  I'm getting paid for this, and hope to sell it to a play-publishing
>company in the next few weeks.

That's the real key: have fun with it, and do what you want, and the rest tends
to take care of itself.

Or to quote AnthonyHopkins quoting somebody else, "Be bold, and mighty forces
will come to your aid."


(jmsatb5 at
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