
B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 31 06:30:59 EDT 1998

From: Jacob Corbin <corb74 at>
Date: 30 May 1998 14:33:45 -0600
Lines: 66

James Gunn wrote:
>     When I watched the first season of B5 lo, these many years ago I was
> at first not impressed. But I am a storyteller myself and am trained to
> listen, so I hung in there. And was richly rewarded.
>     I am but one of a very few representatives of protestant Christendom
> in this group, or so it seems at this point. I mention this because
> religion in general and Christianity in particular have not found a
> hospitable environment in speculative fiction, usually because of a lack
> of understanding.

	Frankly, I think SF understands religion all *too well*; a few
centuries of having scientific thought--from Galileo to Darwin--brutally
repressed will do that to you.
	I know I'm being a bit harsh, but too many religions seem to view
science and technology, which have as their goal the betterment of the
human condition, as vain and irreverent practices.  They seem to feel
that nothing is worth achieving if it affects the real world, which is,
after all, "merely temporal."

> This became very pronounced with the  Star Trek
> franchise. I loved the original series, but with TNG I became more and
> more repelled by somewhat Marxist view that religion was the pastime of
> fools and unevolved races.

	You're half right.
	TNG's view of religion is very Marxist.  However, this has less to do
with intelligence and "evolution" and more to do with the fact that it
showed how religious fervor can be exploited by conscienceless
demagogues for their own ends.
	And in that light, it's 100% correct.  Look me in the eye and tell me
that organized religion doesn't take advantage of people.  Tell me that
Ralph Reed is sincere in his beliefs and wants nothing to do with
power.  Tell me that the late, lamented Ayatollah Khomenei really wanted
what was best for his people.
	It was people like this that TNG was exposing.  Granted, TNG could be
very condescending at times, but this was not one of those cases.

>     Such arrogance in either atheists or evangelicals is equally
> appalling. When presented in preachy entertainment its offensive; not
> because of the point of view, but because such shows are an insult to my
> intelligence as a viewer.
>     B5 has been very refreshing. Besides being a wonderful story, for me
> very remeniscent of the first time I read the Lord of the Rings, I have
> found in the treatment of religion an the acceptance of its place in the
> human condition.
>     Gotta' run. Thankx Mr. S for at least giving us a place at the
> table.

	I agree completely.  Couldn't have said it better myself.

	The funny thing is, judging from this post, you'd think I was a flaming
atheist, when I'm really not.  It's just that, here in Rednecksburg,
USA, I have to put up with overalled, cowboy-hatted line-dancing
theologians trying to tell me what's what.  And I just hate that.  Hate
it, hate it, hate it.
	I respect B5 for presenting *all* the relevant viewpoints--good, bad,
and ugly--and trusting the viewer enough to decide for themselves.

	Jacob Corbin
          --who puts his trust in the man on the cereal box

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 May 1998 02:51:26 -0600
Lines: 23

>>     B5 has been very refreshing. Besides being a wonderful story, for me
>> very remeniscent of the first time I read the Lord of the Rings, I have
>> found in the treatment of religion an the acceptance of its place in the
>> human condition.

Here's a funny aside.

I got an email not long ago from a female pastor out in the midwest, who said
she had just come back from one of these multi-faith, interdenominational
retreats where everybody tries to find some common ground.

Apparently the first day went pretty slow, lots of false starts and stops, then
that evening, at dinner, somebody mentioned B5...and in short order you had a
bunch of pastors, preachers, rabbis, priests, buddhist monks and others all
pitching in with their own reactions to the show, and their interpretations.

I think that's kinda cool.


(jmsatb5 at
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