Noble Dignity in Meditations

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun May 31 06:35:59 EDT 1998

From: tbetz at (Tom Betz)
Date: 30 May 1998 14:23:14 -0600
Lines: 31

Quoth jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5) in <1998052920184200.QAA22039 at>:
|[...much delightful prose regretfully snipped...] Yes, we still have a hell of
|a long way to go, yes there are problems, no we can't ever stop trying to
|address and fix the problems that exist, we can't get complacent... but we've
|beaten most of the microbes and the diseases, conquered the air, given birth to
|Mozart and Buddy Holly, 

... and Norman Corwin, at whom I am marvelling once again as that 1996
PBS documentary. "Corwin" has drawn me away from Usenet for 80 minutes. Now 
I have returned to read this, with the rhythms of Corwin still ringing in my 
ears and through my veins -- and what I hear is one of Corwin's spiritual
sons at work while at leisure, here on the Net!  

|and we ought to once in a while allow for a moment of
|quiet pride in that.

Thank you for continuing to remind us, ever so subtly (and often subversively) 
that we still have so much to be proud of.

|Because you can't build on what you ain't proud of having done in the first

As long as there are folks like Straczynski building on that strong foundation,
despite the commercial pressures of the mass medium they must work in, there will 
remain reason to hope for a future.

|We have tried ignorance       |            Tom Betz, Generalist               |
|for a very long time, and     | Want to send me email? FIRST, READ THIS PAGE: |
|it's time we tried education. | <> |

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 May 1998 02:53:19 -0600
Lines: 21

>I have returned to read this, with the rhythms of Corwin still ringing in my 
>ears and through my veins -- and what I hear is one of Corwin's spiritual
>sons at work while at leisure, here on the Net!  

(allows a quiet smile)

There are a number of us who call ourselves Norman's Kids; we who drew on his
inspiration and his words.  Others who have so identified themselves in one way
or another are Ray Bradbury, Rod Serling, Charles Kuralt, Edward R Murrow,
Walter Cronkite, Stan Freberg and many, many others.

Every once in a while, I'll think that something I've done reads a little bit
close to something Norman Corwin would've written, and excusing the hubris of
that, it's a tough goal to hit.


(jmsatb5 at
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