Hey joe!!! teleplay????

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu
Fri Nov 13 06:05:58 EST 1998

From: christyag at aol.com (ChristyAG)
Date: 12 Nov 1998 09:18:57 -0700
Lines: 13

hey joe I have a question for you...  I've noticed that you have been
co-writting some of these eps with Harlen.. but in the opening credits it also
says teleplay by J. Michael Straczynski (my apologies if I just botched your
name)  so whats a teleplay??? and why all of a sudden are you making use of
one???  Just another curious fan :) thanks
Mel's Place!!! at
"my pulse... I used to have a pulse!!!! I'm turning BLUE!!!!!"
"you don't look bluish?"
       Doc and Niko from "The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers"

From: jmsatb5 at aol.com (Jms at B5)
Date: 12 Nov 1998 14:46:35 -0700
Lines: 36

>I've noticed that you have been
>co-writting some of these eps with Harlen.. but in the opening credits it
>says teleplay by J. Michael Straczynski (my apologies if I just botched your
>name)  so whats a teleplay??? and why all of a sudden are you making use of

There are two parts of writing an episode: the basic storyline, sometimes
presented as an outline, and then the actual script which is a more specific
elaboration on that story.  Story is, "King John and Queen Mary live in the
castle and they have a hard night between them."

Script is: 

We see the banners unfurling in the breeze, and go to

KING JOHN and QUEEN MARY are in bed.  He's awake, she's sleeping.  He looks up
at the ceiling. 

                                  KING JOHN
                 Why me?  Of all the gin joints and
                 castles in England, why did she have
                 to step into mine?


(jmsatb5 at aol.com)
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