Attn JMS: With Much Thanks

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Thu Nov 26 06:16:19 EST 1998

From: Peter Wong <petlarw at>
Date: 24 Nov 1998 10:48:48 -0700
Lines: 41

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Before "Sleeping In Light" aired, I wanted to thank you for shepherding
this series through from much delayed start to long-awaited finish.

The weird thing was that I never expected to love the series.  "The
Gathering" underwhelmed me with its gloomy atmosphere, unimpressive music,
stiff performance by Michael O'Hare, and annoying performance by Johnny(?)
Sekka.  At the time, "Deep Space Nine"'s Avery Brooks seemed to generate
more humanity and charisma.

Then, Harlan Ellison praised the series at a Con Francisco appearance. 
Trusting HE's taste in matters of genre, I gave the series another try and
watched "Midnight On The Firing Line."  The problems I had earlier
disappeared.  Whether it was your scripting or Michael O'Hare's performance
or Christopher Franke's magnificent music that did it, I was hooked.  From
that moment, the "Deep Space" franchise slowly lost my interest while I
waited for the newest threads on your show to be played out.

So many wonderful moments from these five years of stories!  I remember:
	G'Kar's preamble to the Alliance's Declaration of Principles
	"No boom Today.  Boom tomorrow."
	Londo and G'Kar trapped in an elevator thanks to a mad bomber
	Sheridan and Delenn's first kiss
	Sparky the AI
	The Garibaldi simulacrum stopping an attempt to smear the Alliance
	Lochley and Zoe
	Sheridan's reappearance from the dead
	"I suspect you're about to go where everyone has gone before."  (I
probably have the wording wrong.)
	Kosh's pronouncements, even the straightforward ones

My drooping eyelids are breaking the plastic toothpicks I'm using to prop
them up, and yet there's so much more I liked about the series that I want
to mention but can't.  So I'll just say I look forward to "Sleeping In
Light" and its last few minutes.	
	---Peter Wong

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 25 Nov 1998 10:19:10 -0700
Lines: 12's the moments that stay with me as well.  Plot details can blur,
but Londo and G'Kar stuck in that tube...that goes on forever.


(jmsatb5 at
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