from jms: crusade update

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 9 06:05:57 EDT 1998

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Oct 1998 20:42:49 -0600
Lines: 35

It's been kinda hectic here, between the new sets under construction, meetings,
and other stuff, some of which has been hinted around by others.  At this
point, we're still on target for filming to start up on October 19th.

One of the issues brought up by TNT had to do with a decision we all made early
on that the first episode up, Racing the Night, would just jump right into the
story, without doing the usual pilot-episode thing of showing the team coming
together, which was our other option.  

On reflection, TNT figured that the best thing might be to do that "coming
together" episode after all, to set the stage for all that follows.  It's a
lateral change, really, you could have it or not, either way, it's dealer's
choice.  But if we're going to do that, we may as well get the sets and other
stuff ready to go for that first episode and the ones that will immediately
follow.  We're also making some adjustments to the wardrobe (and I've come up
with a pretty funny way to make the transition in the story).  All of the prior
produced episodes are still in, and still going to be broadcast, nothing's
changed that as far as I know.

Anyway, things continue to progress, the script for the alternate first ep is
in, and all should be cool from this point on.  Which is not to say there
haven't been some knife-fights...but we seem to have reached some


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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