JMS: Anti-VORcon?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Fri Oct 9 06:11:41 EDT 1998

From: dstrathmore at
Date: 8 Oct 1998 10:30:41 -0600
Lines: 26

Mr. VorCon person (sorry don't know your name, sir),

I believe the problems with VorCon have less to do with JMS and more to do
with Vorcon!!!	I have two friends, both of whom bought tickets; neither
check has been cashed (and they don't know each other), much less been sent
ANY information!  This is causing a good deal of antipathy in fandom.  (While
you might consider yourselves fans, as I'm sure you are, you obviously don't
know the fandom; the fandom is hesitant, seeing this as a "commercial event"
without key support.  JMS is a vital part of the B5 experience for many fans,
too, in case you hadn't noticed, and that is probably also part of the

How can you have any official B5 presence in this if you guys are at odds with
the producer?  Just curious.

Anyway... because of the PR problems you have had, I made the decision not to
go.  I am sorry, too because I am sure it would have been fun, but it's
difficult to plunk down all that money for an untried event that has the air
of controversy about it.

Derek Strathmore
dstrathmore at

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 8 Oct 1998 17:37:30 -0600
Lines: 23

It should be noted that both Sierra FX and Precedence Publishing are taking
steps to make it clear that while they are sponsoring *events* at the
convention, they do not *endorse* this partuicular convention, distancing
themselves from it.  Signs will appear at their booths further reinforcing

Additionally, Tracy Scoggins will not appear, Bruce may or may not be there
depending on what happens with a movie he's shooting in Toronto, Optic Nerve
will not be bringing down an exhibit, and WB is this week putting VorCon on
official notice about the showing of ANY copyrighted videotape material from
the show.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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