Attn Joe: SIL viewing parties

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Sep 26 06:06:18 EDT 1998

From: yukailin at
Date: 25 Sep 1998 18:56:20 -0600
Lines: 82

Joe said <snip>
I think it would be a wonderful thing if more folks than usual got
together for
viewing parties on this one.  Not newcomers, not folks who haven't seen
show, just the "family," if you will.  If B5 has helped to create
then I think this last episode should be for that community.

OOH! I think a viewing party for Sleeping in Light is definitely in
order, thanks for suggesting it Joe, I probably would have sooner or
later as well. I think it is obvious that TNT would not organize anything
like they did for In The Beginning, because that was to gain new viewers.
This would definitely be to say goodbye to the show. But what I want to
suggest is that not only do we set up viewing parties at homes, but maybe
at Sports Bars as well, as long as it is cleared with the places to avoid
scheduling conflicts with a sporting event. I really enjoyed the party in
LA at that Sports bar in West LA, and would love to go to a big place
with lots of fans. So, thanks for the great idea, and hope you will be
going to a viewing party yourself.

Peace, Love and Rock & Roll,
When hell freezes over, we can all play hockey there.

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