ATTN: JMS (*spoiler - Appearances & Other Deceits)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Aug 1 17:03:17 EDT 1999

From: kay.shapero at (Kay Shapero)
Date: 31 Jul 1999 16:39:50 -0600
Lines: 55

Spoiler Warning - Crusade episode Appearances and Other Deceits

JMS - So *that's* the infamous transition episode - Excalibur is infested 
by alien menaces and interior decorators!  Serious as the central plot may 
have been, the latter thread, viewed in knowledge of what was going on on 
the other side of the camera was positively hilarious.  (Come to think of 
it, so is the title.)  

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 31 Jul 1999 19:44:54 -0600
Lines: 19

>Serious as the central plot may 
>have been, the latter thread, viewed in knowledge of what was going on on 
>the other side of the camera was positively hilarious.  (Come to think of 
>it, so is the title.)  

Yeah, the title is a deliberate play on the situation.  It's a deceit about how
the uniforms come into the story and how some elements of the appearance change
(though it also has resonance for the A story as well, since their appearances
are also deceiving).


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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