The Needs of Earth rating?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Aug 15 04:26:42 EDT 1999

From: "Russell J. Graville" <gravillr at>
Date: 14 Aug 1999 21:38:22 -0600
Lines: 16

I just noticed that "The Needs of Earth" has been given a TV-14(DS) rating
which is for sexual content and language.  Wasn't this one of the ones
written before TNT asked for more sex and violence in the show?  Has JMS
mentioned anything about this?  

If you hide your    |      Russell J. Graville     | Any sufficiently
ignorance, no one   |         ICQ# 7699727         | advanced technology
will hit you and    |       gravillr at       | is indistinguishable
you'll never learn. |   graville at   | from magic.
-- Ray Bradbury     | | -- Arthur C. Clarke
-"Fahrenheit 451"   |                              | -Clarke's Third Law

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 15 Aug 1999 00:34:50 -0600
Lines: 19

>I just noticed that "The Needs of Earth" has been given a TV-14(DS) rating
>which is for sexual content and language.  Wasn't this one of the ones
>written before TNT asked for more sex and violence in the show?  Has JMS
>mentioned anything about this?  

No, this is actually pretty stupid...there's one shot where they think a nipple
is visible (it isn't, we were very careful in editing) and another where they
think a Eilerson says "goddamnit," but he doesn't.


(jmsatb5 at
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