ATTN JMS: Isn't someone at WB pissed?

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Tue Aug 17 04:28:54 EDT 1999

From: megauser at (MegaUser)
Date: 16 Aug 1999 23:09:41 -0600
Lines: 14

I had gotten the impression that in early 1998 or so, some folks in the WB
hierarchy were starting to view B5 as a potential corporate franchise--not in a
"can't mess with the formula" sense that you hate--but in the sense of
something that could have continued to have spinoffs in various media and
extensive merchandising, etc.

Aren't any of those folks still around, and if so, aren't they really ticked
off at TNT management for damaging (possible irreparably) that potential???

Or were they never that excited, or were the people who were excited too far
down the totem pole to step in and get involved?

--Seth, just curious

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 16 Aug 1999 23:30:26 -0600
Lines: 17

>Aren't any of those folks still around, and if so, aren't they really ticked
>off at TNT management for damaging (possible irreparably) that potential???

The problem in some measure is that there is an ongoing power struggle between
WB and TNT (WB owns TNT, but the biggest shareholder in WB is Ted Turner).  And
nobody -- I mean *nobody* -- wants to get caught in the switches on this one.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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