ATTN:JMS Crusade confusing (SPOILERS for AAOD & RTN)

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Aug 23 04:32:33 EDT 1999

From: marcuscoie at (MarcusCoIe)
Date: 22 Aug 1999 14:13:06 -0600
Lines: 62

Not really any spoilers here, but will include space anyway only because the
moderators have cancelled this post 6 separate times. Hope they are happy now
that I "fixed" everything.
(there are 27 lines between here and my text. This qualifies as SPOILER SPACE)


Ok, I just read a posting that was supposedly by JMS, and on it, it says that
the last 5 episodes that will be aired are the first 5 shot. I know from
following many shows (B5, X-files, Star Trek, etc.) that shows almost always
never air in the order of production.
Now, after watching the episode "Appearences and Other Deceits", obviously all
episodes filmed, (#6-13) were filmed to have to air before #1-5.  Why would
someone do that?? JMS is also quoted to say that the last 5 to air are the
best. Again, why would you do that? You are wanting a campaign to try and save
your series, yet you show the crappy episodes first, and drive the viewership
away. And they had to be aired the way they were aired because obviously the
introduction episode was filmed after the first 5. And then all the eps. with
the crew in the black uniforms had to be shown before the AaOD episode, so that
after that, they could change to the new uniforms, and not be switching back
and forth.

Now, in Racing The Night, all of the characters reacted to each other as if
they had just met. Not as if they had already been on several missions
together. Again, as said above, it was one of the first 5 filmed, so they were
all new to each other. But the characters seem more "comfortable" with each
other in all the previous episodes than this one. Don't get me wrong,  it was a
great episode, but the crew relationships went from semi comfortable with each
other, to combative. I mean, take AaOD, and you have Max being concerned for
the guy who got shot in the back of the neck. But the very next eps on RTN, he
was like, "Oh yeah, and we should find out what killed what's his name."
So far the Crusade score with me is 5-4 (5 good to great/4 poor to crap). I am
more and more swaying that it does get saved in some form somewhere.

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 22 Aug 1999 17:11:54 -0600
Lines: 36

>Now, after watching the episode "Appearences and Other Deceits", obviously
>episodes filmed, (#6-13) were filmed to have to air before #1-5.  Why would
>someone do that?? JMS is also quoted to say that the last 5 to air are the
>best. Again, why would you do that? You are wanting a campaign to try and
>your series, yet you show the crappy episodes first, and drive the viewership

Let me ask you a real simple question:

What makes you think it was my decision?

TNT wanted the "new-look" episodes aired first.  They wanted to push the first
5 back as far as possible.  I initially figured we'd do 5-6 of the "new look"
ones first, the minimum possible, then the first 5, then the new-look (black
uniform) ones to the end.

TNT *mandated* that the black-uniform ones would go first.  It was not my
choice.  I have NO control over broadcast.  

Not only did they want to hold them back, they were debating if they'd even
allow us to FINISH post on the first 5.  It was a struggle to let them finish
'em, and they were the last ones to go through post.

Before you fire, it's always a good idea to know what the target is first.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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