ATTN JMS Quick Questions

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Mon Jan 25 04:33:56 EST 1999

From: wobag at
Date: 22 Jan 1999 18:17:16 -0700
Lines: 17

Hi, eagerly awaiting ACTA, which is winging its way through the post to me
over in England.  Just a couple of quick questions if you can indulge me....

1) When you have to transfer the widescreen version of B5 to the regular
aspect, do you have to pan and scan, or are the side of the screen just used
as 'beauty space' when shot, and so can be clipped without damaging

2) Back before B5 satarted and the media interest was muted at best,
Cinefantastique put together a knock out B5-dedecated issue, with previews of
most of the first season (when they were called things like 'The
Ressurectionist' and 'Raiding Party'). Interviews, the whole works. Is
anything similar planned around the start of Crusade?

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 24 Jan 1999 12:32:51 -0700
Lines: 25

>1) When you have to transfer the widescreen version of B5 to the regular
>aspect, do you have to pan and scan, or are the side of the screen just used
>as 'beauty space' when shot, and so can be clipped without damaging

It's the latter, though we've been composing more for widescreen and actually
putting the edges to good use in Crusade.

>2) Back before B5 satarted and the media interest was muted at best,
>Cinefantastique put together a knock out B5-dedecated issue, with previews of
>most of the first season (when they were called things like 'The
>Ressurectionist' and 'Raiding Party'). Interviews, the whole works. Is
>anything similar planned around the start of Crusade?

Dunno...nobody's said anything about it to me thus far.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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