JMS on CompuServe (Jan 29, 1999) *POSSIBLE SPOILERS* (3/5)

bbarrett at bbarrett at
Sat Jan 30 01:07:45 EST 1999

 [ Continued from previous section -- BB ]

 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 The following posts may contain SPOILERS for
 upcoming Babylon 5 episodes.

 Continue at your own risk.

 Note that JMS has expressed his public permission 
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 [ Summary of subjects in this section: ]
    Sb: #55224-#Re: IMage Laserdisks
    Sb: #55303-#Re: IMage Laserdisks
    Sb: #56135-#Re: IMage Laserdisks
    Sb: #56227-#Re: IMage Laserdisks
    Sb: #56306-#Re: IMage Laserdisks
    Sb: #56717-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

 #: 55224 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    22-Dec-98  18:32:07
Sb: #55150-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

Yes, it does look good - but alas, it isn't widescreen.  *sigh*  Any word on a 
possible DVD release?  As much as I love this show, and want to own it, I 
can't afford to buy the whole thing two or three times -  so I am NOT going 
for the VHS tapes or even the LDs. The Friday after Thanksgiving  I started 
rewatching the series with "ItB" (LD) followed by the first WB VHS set, then 
moving on to the shows I taped off TNT (which have a few gaps.)   Four or five 
episodes a night, usually, for several weeks at a stretch.  And I discovered 

Even more than the weekday strip, *this* is the way the series was made to be 
watched.  Without interruptions, without a 24 hour (still less 7 day or 
several month) gap between episodes it becomes a whole different experience.  
And the earliest episodes look different when watched again after each season.  
This is a staggering achievement, especially within the confines of American 
commercial television.  I don't think anyone yet realizes what you've done 
here. And when they get the first dim glimmers of the idea, and try to copy 
it, they'll only see the surface mechanics of a continuing story and never see 
the sheer *work* that went into crafting almost every line and gesture of each 
of each show so that it could pay off two or three years down the road.

This is the first series I've ever seen that *can't* be fully appreciated the 
first time through.  Reruns aren't a commercial byproduct of this show, in a 
curious way they are the point.  I'm finally starting to see what you meant 
long ago when you mentioned a "four dimensional hologram."  You've done it.  I 
look forward to going losing myself in this world at least once a year for 
many years to come, as I usually lose myself in Middle Earth for a week or so, 
around the time the leaves change.  (Well, other places.  Here in Florida the 
only colors that change when fall approaches are the ones on the license 
plates. <g>)

I also look forward to "Crusade" and to "A Call to Arms" (the last Babylon 5 
adventure - I'm glad we're getting one more after "SiL")  I'm sorry you won't 
be around as much as you were during "B5", but can understand your reasons.  
Since I really *couldn't* write anything after "SiL" until so much time had 
passed that others had said everything I could have about the finale, I wanted 
to tell you how much the show as a whole has meant to me.  Ya done good.  I 
hope the thing runs as long as "I Love Lucy"  (Wouldn't it be a gas if a 
character in the best SF series of a forty years from now could say, "We'd 
make a good team, like Sheridan and Delenn" and have everyone recognize the 

All the best,


 #: 55279 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    23-Dec-98  18:04:13
Sb: #55224-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

"Even more than the weekday strip, *this* is the way the series was made to be 
watched.  Without interruptions, without a 24 hour (still less 7 day or 
several month) gap between episodes it becomes a whole different experience. 
And the earliest episodes look different when watched again after each 

      This is pretty much the reaction of everyone who's sat and watched the 
show through in a concentrated form; it's a whole other show.  It's all 
contiguous, even when it looks like it ain't, and the artificial breaks were 
pretty much ignored in the writing.

"This is a staggering achievement, especially within the confines of American 
commercial television.  I don't think anyone yet realizes what you've done 
here. And when they get the first dim glimmers of the idea, and try to copy 
it, they'll only see the surface mechanics of a continuing story and never see 
the sheer *work* that went into crafting almost every line and gesture of each 
of each show so that it could pay off two or three years down the road."

      I'm okay with that; I always said that B5 wouldn't really be appreciated 
for what it is for several years down the line.  This is a part of the reason 
for that.  It has to run through several times, and become a part of the 
general consciousness, and be perceived for what it is.

"This is the first series I've ever seen that *can't* be fully appreciated the 
first time through.  Reruns aren't a commercial byproduct of this show, in a 
curious way they are the point.  I'm finally starting to see what you meant 
long ago when you mentioned a "four dimensional hologram.""

      (Actually the term was holographic storytelling, but the point obtains.)  
Usually, reruns are considered an the show was written with 
that in mind to some extent.  It was written for the long haul, so to speak.

      I'll be very curious to see the perception of the show ten years hence.


 #: 55303 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    24-Dec-98  08:09:06
Sb: #55279-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

Thanks for the response.   I'm glad people are "getting it." 

>> " I'm finally starting to see what you meant long ago when you mentioned a 
'four dimensional hologram.'"

>>  (Actually the term was holographic storytelling, but the point obtains.)  

That's what I get for relying on my memory.  Still, if you consider time as 
the fourth dimension, my mangled version fits.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and hope and pester Warner Brothers 
regarding a possible DVD release, since you seem to be silent on that point.  
(Unless I've missed a response to that question elsewhere.)  Just saw the 
great job the studio did on the restored "My Fair Lady"  The restorers' 
comments about how much of the source material was lost during the years that 
CBS had custody worries me.  The studios seem reluctant to spend a few tens of 
thousands of dollars to adequately *preseve* the films they make, and only 
rarely spend the millions needed to restore them.  How much less likely are 
they to care about preserving something as ephemeral as a TV show?  I hope you 
have been able to take steps to ensure that "B5" remains intact and available 
to future generations.   One has to wonder, and worry, when dealing with an 
industry willing to let masterpieces like "Spartacus", "Lawrence of Arabia" 
and "My Fair Lady" come within an inch of being lost forever.



 #: 56125 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    04-Jan-99  13:36:13
Sb: #55303-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

      This was a problem on the pilot; WB stored the film and negatives, and 
rats got to a number of film cans, chewing through prints and negatives alike.  
As we found when we went to re-edit, some takes are gone forever.


 #: 56135 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    04-Jan-99  15:02:07
Sb: #56125-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

Message text written by J. Michael Straczynski
> This was a problem on the pilot; WB stored the film and negatives, and rats 
got to a number of film cans, chewing through prints and negatives alike.  As 
we found when we went to re-edit, some takes are gone forever.<

I remember reading about that at the time in some of your posts quoted by the 
Lurker's Guide.  You would think *greed* would would make the studios more 
careful about these things, if nothing else.  They can't sell what they don't 
have, and at some point their entire libraries will have disappeared through 
neglect.  I just received my Columbia House copy of the pilot, which I believe 
is the original version.  Am looking forward to watching it and comparing it 
to the "revised edition."  "ACtA" was outstanding, BTW.  The 'net fora are 
full of complaints about the music, which I don't understand, but even the 
anti-Chen zealots ("it ruined the whole movie for me") have had to admit that 
it was well written and acted.   A surprising number of people on both the WB 
and TNT (!) sites were not aware that a follow-up series was in the offing.  
Several asked if B5 had been renewed for another season.  Another wanted to 
know if there was going to be a new show with Sheridan commanding the 
Excalibur.  (Oh, and there was the one guy who asked how Sheridan came back 
from the dead.  I guess some people pay even less attention than others.)

For the most part I didn't *notice* the music, which is the way I think it 
should be for a movie score.  If I'm paying that much attention to the music, 
either the story isn't very good or the music is distractingly bad.  I think 
movie music should be so seemlessly woven into the rest of the storytelling 
that it should be "invisible" as it were, except in during "set piece" scenes 
or establishinig shots where it is meant to be in the forefront.  (The launch 
sequence in "Apollo 13" comes to mind.)  Of course, I think the same way about 
film direction, which puts me in the minority.  If I'm taken so far out of the 
story that I notice how pretty a shot is or how interesting an angle is, 
somebody's doing something wrong.  When the "ACtA" score was at the forefront 
by design, I heard nothing to complain about.  Of course, you've been through 
this before.  I seem to recall a lot of people complaining when Christopher 
Franke replaced the composer for the pilot.  I don't doubt that a lot of the 
people screaming loudest now are the very ones who complained about Franke 
when he started.  Isn't it reassuring to know that some things *never* change? 



 #: 56216 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    04-Jan-99  23:06:13
Sb: #56135-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

      I suppose we could've stayed with the safe choice, with Chris, or done a 
nice, safe, droning Voyager style score that you don't even notice, but we're 
looking to take chances, and that means some people will like what you do, 
some won't.  Some won't like it because it's different.  Neil Gaiman told me 
that a number of fans of any form, including his own, say they want something 
new and challenging that takes chances...but it they don't like the form of 
that chance, they blame you for somehow doing it wrong...and they want the 
next new thing to be just like the last thing you did.

      I can't tell you the number of people who said "why can't you just do 
the John Williams style music instead of this?"  Because it's been done, and 
it's cliche, and by god we're going to push what's "expected" to try some new 
things.  Otherwise what the hell's the point?

"Of course, you've been through this before.  I seem to recall a lot of people 
complaining when Christopher Franke replaced the composer for the pilot.  I 
don't doubt that a lot of the people screaming loudest now are the very ones 
who complained about Franke when he started."

      I don't know about the latter, but I can sure confirm the former.  And 
that's why I sometimes wish the viewer responses were logged as much as my own 
have been.  When we brought in Chris to replace Stewart Copeland, you can't 
*believe* how much email I got from people saying to trash him, fire him, it's 
that "euro-trash techno-crap" most called it.  "He uses sounds and banging 
instead of music," people complained (which he did mainly in the first two 
seasons), "it's distracting and it's not appropriate, get rid of him."

      But we didn't.  I told people to give him time to settle into the show, 
and on the other hand to let them get used to a different kind of sound than 
what they expected.  ("I guess you couldn't afford to hire a real composer 
like TNG uses," was another popular line.)

      Evan ain't Chris, nor should he be, nor should he *have* to be.  He is a 
brilliantly talented composer.  This is his first shot at a dramatic series, 
and as he settles in (as Chris settled in), I think people are going to be as 
loyal to what he's doing in Crusade as they were to Chris in B5. He's a 
classically trained composer, who threw it all away to come study jazz under 
some of the best jazz men in Chicago...washing dishes to support himself when 
he had been at the top of his field in China...because he loves music, and 
loves to experiment.

      In the course of Crusade, we're going to see some places we've never 
seen before...and thanks to Evan, we're going to hear some things we've never 
heard before.  He's a find, and a genuine, fresh talent, and I stand behind 
him 100%.

      And the people who say they are fans of Chris Franke's should think 
twice before doing to him what so many people did so rudely to Chris when he 
first came aboard.


 #: 56227 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    05-Jan-99  00:04:01
Sb: #56216-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

Thanks very much for the reply.  Requet permission to qoute it in full on the 
WB and TNT sites, where I think some of the hotheads really need to see it.  

(Interesting note:  One post asked "What $@%&#  idiot hired this guy, anyway?" 
the reply, *not* from me, was "JMS is the $%&#  idiot in question.  I can list 
some places where he is known to lurk if you'd like to tell him what a $%&# 
idiot he is to his face.)



 #: 56285 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    05-Jan-99  14:11:06
Sb: #56227-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

      It kind of goes to show you how thin the layer of trust'd 
think by now, after doing 5 years of B5, people would think to cut a little 
slack and give a chance, assume that there's an intent here, rather than 
saying suddenly I'm an idiot for not putting in the kind of music they 

      What's most interesting, and in some ways most galling, is the number of 
posts I've seen in the last day or so from people who watched CTA again, and 
said, "On second viewing, the music didn't bother me as much, and I kind of 
like it in places."  Maybe they should've been a little less quick on the 
trigger and the condemnation.

      As for some of the comments I've seen, basically saying he should be 
killed (literally, someone suggested putting a gun to his head and pulling the 
trigger) to some *very* xenophobic comments about his being asian and that's 
the problem, with *that kind* of music...they do not even merit a reply.


 #: 56306 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    05-Jan-99  15:38:11
Sb: #56285-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

Message text written by J. Michael Straczynski
>      As for some of the comments I've seen, basically saying he should be 
killed (literally, someone suggested putting a gun to his head and pulling the 
trigger) to some *very* xenophobic comments about his being asian and that's 
the problem, with *that kind* of music...they do not even merit a reply.<

Yeah, those depressed the hell out of me.  I've been out of organized fandom 
since before there was an internet (it took "B5" to gradually pull me back in, 
I may even go to my first convention in twenty years sometime in '99.)  I 
guess a part of me still clung to the adolescent notion that fans of this kind 
of literature were somehow better and more tolerant than most people.  I don't 
understand how you can have enough imagination to identify heart and soul with 
a Narn, and not use that same imagination to identify with the other human 
down the street.

And I think this gets to one of the differences between "Trek" and "B5".   
Trek fed that adolescent fan mindset - it says, "Here's the future, and it is 
populated by people like you, better, wiser, kinder, more tolerant than your 
parents, siblings and teachers. People who are as good as you know in your 
heart that  you are.   Only the bad guys we bring in for an episode and defeat 
have any negative qualities."  Starfleet is Star Trek fandom, or at least its 
own self-image, writ large.  B5 shows us a future not only much more like the 
real world in general, but the more like world of fandom as it exists, and 
that may have mae people uncomfortable.   I think that is the real reason a 
lot of Trek fans (of whom I am one) never warmed up to B5.  It didn't give 
them a comfortable future where it turned out THEY WERE RIGHT.  Even the great 
and noble have *real* flaws in B5, not "cute" ones like impetuousness, and 
their flaws have real consequences. 

Speaking of consequences:  A lot of people are still angry at you, and at the 
characters, for ignoring Lyta in "SiL"  I've always thought that, in addition 
to protecting the mystery of whatever you have in store for her  further down 
the line, it was perfectly in character for the others. As good and kind and 
noble as Sheridan, et al were, they *did* have a blind spot where Lyta was 
concerned, they did take her for granted and they often treated her shabbily.  
And I, for one, am *glad*.  It would have been a cheat if everyone had gotten 
all weepy over poor Lyta and how they treated her, even if that reaction would 
have tracked with future events.  If they'd ever given the matter a second 
thought they *wouldn't* have treated her that way in the first place.  So, of 
course, they aren't aware that they did.  A nice reminder for the rest of us 
to consider our own actions, and not put *too* much faith in heroes.  I guess 
what I keep hearing is true.  You really *can* write.  <vbg>



 #: 56375 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    05-Jan-99  21:56:04
Sb: #56306-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

      Re: Lyta in SiL...okay, if they mentioned Lyta, I'd get nailed for not 
mentioning Na'Toth...or Sinclair...or Keffer...or somebody else.  You can't do 
five minutes of roll call in a TV show.  That would be deadly.  They each 
picked one character to name, because they had a close relationship in some 
way with that character.  Who among them really had a close relationship with 
Lyta?  Name me that person.  (Not directed at you, just generally.)

      Had Zack been there, then yeah, maybe he would've named Lyta (or not, 
given what happens with her later).  THAT would have been appropriate.  But it 
would NOT have been appropriate to have her named just because somebody wants 
to hear her name called.

      The persons named were ones to whom they had an emotional attachment... 
Vir to Londo, Garibaldi to G'Kar, Ivanova to Marcus, Sheridan to Londo, Delenn 
to Lennier.  Lyta did not have that connection to anyone at that table that 
would be on an equal footing.


 [ Summary: "Nobody here knows me from adam, but I'm a musician, and Chen
   has *got it.*" ]

 #: 56803 S8/Bab 5 Merchandise
    08-Jan-99  14:18:12
Sb: #56717-#Re: IMage Laserdisks

      I couldn't agree more.

      We (John Copeland and I) just finished designing and building the main 
title for CRUSADE...and it may be the best one we've done to date.


 [ Continued in next section -- BB ]

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