JMS: Chronology question

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Wed Nov 24 04:46:20 EST 1999

From: jbonetati at (JBONETATI)
Date: 23 Nov 1999 20:01:18 -0700
Lines: 11


I'm really looking forward to the chronology in the upcoming B5 magazines.  Can
you tell us how it will be set up?  There are various 'canon' items that
weren't actually shown on screen (books, comics, magazines) and I wondered if
they will be included and annotated as to the source?  Also, how many issues
will it take?

Thanks, as aways,

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 23 Nov 1999 23:04:24 -0700
Lines: 24

>I'm really looking forward to the chronology in the upcoming B5 magazines.
>you tell us how it will be set up?  There are various 'canon' items that
>weren't actually shown on screen (books, comics, magazines) and I wondered if
>they will be included and annotated as to the source?  Also, how many issues
>will it take?

I think it'll be stretched across 2-3 issues.  The thing can't quite be
explained as you've outlined the question here, it really kinda has to be seen.
 It incorporates a LOT of stuff from various sectors into a detailed timeline
that has been checked and cross referenced with our material to ensure its
accuracy.  It's real nifty.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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