JMS: Some bible questions/praise

B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sat Nov 27 04:33:24 EST 1999

From: hennebry at (Michael J. Hennebry)
Date: 26 Nov 1999 08:54:28 -0700
Lines: 19

In article <817ood$ekt$1 at>, Dan S. <Rom129 at> wrote:
>bible.  1)  You mentioned the two copies of 200 page five year story arc
>"in triple-encrypted computer files."  Any chance of that appearing on
>the fan site for sale?  Is that what you are basing the novels?  Does a
>snowball in hell have a better chance of staying a snowball in hell than
>the arc making a public appearance?

My recollection is that this is something that The Great Maker
has admitted lying about.  The triple-encrypted computer files
were actually a boxful of index cards on a shelf in his office
where he could stare at them while telling visitors about
the triple-encrypted computer files.

Also, it's 203 pages.

Mike   hennebry at
"I'm just an old country doctor."  --  Bones

From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 26 Nov 1999 17:16:49 -0700
Lines: 22

>My recollection is that this is something that The Great Maker
>has admitted lying about.  The triple-encrypted computer files
>were actually a boxful of index cards on a shelf in his office
>where he could stare at them while telling visitors about
>the triple-encrypted computer files.

No, that is completely untrue.  The cards were a distillation of my notes,
broken down by season.  

Please don't put words in my mouth, I have enough trouble with the ones that I
put there on my own.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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