B5JMS Poster b5jms-owner at
Sun Nov 28 04:41:56 EST 1999

From: Heath Fitts <heathicus.geo at>
Date: 27 Nov 1999 19:54:20 -0700
Lines: 38

I don't recall ever seeing this discussed before, so if it has been, please
forgive me.  I remember a while back someone asked about moving reruns of
B5 off of TNT back into syndication and you said that TNT had an exclusive
comtract to the show which would forbid that.  My question is, is there a
time limit on this contract?  If so, how long before it expires?  Are there
other stipulations such as requiring them to air the reruns (even if it is
in a really crappy time slot)?  Has anybody (SCI-FI Channel included)
expressed interest at picking up the reruns after TNT's contract expires or
is it way to early for that?  And is Crusade part of the same contract or
is it another deal all together?  

And speaking of Crusade, is it officially 100% dead yet?  I know that
budget concerns were the initial reasons SCI-FI couldn't pick it up (at
least that's the story we were told) and I know they've cancelled Slider's
and Poltergeist, but they're also producing a couple of new series, so is
there still no room in their budget for Crusade or is it too late even if
there were (what with your other projects and expired actor contracts,
etc)?  Should I still hold on to that faint glimmer of hope that Crusade
will continue or should I let it go?

Heath Fitts

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From: jmsatb5 at (Jms at B5)
Date: 27 Nov 1999 21:30:35 -0700
Lines: 34

>My question is, is there a
>time limit on this contract?  If so, how long before it expires?  Are there
>other stipulations such as requiring them to air the reruns (even if it is
>in a really crappy time slot)?  Has anybody (SCI-FI Channel included)
>expressed interest at picking up the reruns after TNT's contract expires or
>is it way to early for that?  And is Crusade part of the same contract or
>is it another deal all together

I believe that the license for TNT to run B5 runs through late 2001, so it
would be available thereafter.

>And speaking of Crusade, is it officially 100% dead yet?  I know that
>budget concerns were the initial reasons SCI-FI couldn't pick it up (at
>least that's the story we were told) and I know they've cancelled Slider's
>and Poltergeist, but they're also producing a couple of new series, so is
>there still no room in their budget for Crusade or is it too late even if
>there were (what with your other projects and expired actor contracts,

My feeling is that if it hasn't happened by now, it's probably not going to. 
The efforts made by the fans have been terrific, and appreciated, and valued by
all involved...but if it were to happen, it would have had to have happened by
now, I think.  Mind, I could be wrong, odder things have happened, but that's
how it looks to me at this point.


(jmsatb5 at
B5 Official Fan Club at:

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